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I don't know when you sleepwalk you talk too but I've watched a few TikToks of people sleepwalking and they also talked too so let's roll with it

It was a quiet night at the smiths household everyone was asleep, well almost everyone, Rick was locked away on his garage tinkering away cursing underneath his breath as he dropped his box full of ziptie

"Ff-fucking stupid ziptie.." he scoops up the black and white plastics of the floor and back into the box on the shelf. He sighed heavily before walking out of his garage to grab himself a beer.

Entering the kitchen Rick hears a creak causing him to snap his head to where he heard the sound staring into the dark hallway after a moment of silence he shrugs his shoulders and opens the fridge grabbing his beer and closes the door.

He sighs again feeling a little peckish opening his cupboard looking for what tickles his fancy and that would be his box of eye holes he makes a satisfied noise before munching on a few till he heard a floor board creak once again causing him to quickly pull out his hun pointing it in the direction where he heard the sound. "Whoever is there might make yourself known bro!" Rick half yells half whispers not wanting to wake everyone up.

The sound of mumbling and shuffling footsteps get closer to Rick he was on his guard heart pounding palms sweating until he caught a glimpse of familiar H/C hair making him let out a sigh of relief

"YN what the fuck are you doing creeping around at this time? Almost gave me a heart attack." He chuckles watching them shuffle closer to him

"R-Rick! Did you take out the alpaca?" YN mumbles looking straight at his face this left Rick confused looking around the kitchen then back at his S/O

"Honey, don't take this the wrong way but what the fuck are you talking about?" After a moment of silence YN sighed and shuffled around rick to the fridge opening it "We need ice for Morty.. morty said we need ice for the sun burn."

YN said in a panic tone Rick just stood there watching in confusion "Honey it's winter nobody as sun burn..Love?" Rick whispers and chuckle's already figuring out they was sleepwalking.

"Ethan was a dickhead I told summer not to give him the time of day but did she listen? Noooo! Making Sum Sum cry..." YN stands for a second looking around the kitchen

then they grabbed a banana and smelled it making a satisfied hum causing Rick to snort covering his mouth trying not to laugh as YN smelled the banana again and then holds it up to their head

"Hello?" She whispered into the banana and giggles as if she was on the phone to someone. While all this was going on Rick watched in amusement following her around the house from the kitchen to the living room

where she sits down on the couch but she quickly changed her mind and stands up walking over to a bookcase all while still holding the banana. "What was that? You wanna feel my sweater? Well too bad" She whispered giving the books the middle finger then giggles running away back into the kitchen.

Once again Rick follows with a soft smile on his face. YN then Opens the fridge taking out Jerry's lemon squares he made earlier that day,

they smelt the lemon (Lemon free) treats and take a bite "Errr! Tase like shit!" YN says angrily slamming the whole tray on the floor Rick almost lost it as he tired not to laugh

he takes a big gulp of his beer and burps causing YN to look back at Rick staring at him for a second and giggle walking up to him her hand touched his face Rick smiled and leans into her touch "Shhh... don't be too loud you'll wake everyone up."

Rick whispers and yn giggles and rests her head on his chest "So handsome..." they whisper before pulling away and quickly made their way to Rick's garage.

"YN darling no it's dangerous in there.." Rick quickly makes his way in front of YN blocking off the door way while they tried to find the handle but they just kept grabbing Rick's waist

"Darling why don't we get back into bed yeah?" Rick whispers gently placing a hand on their shoulder until they smack his hand away "Don't touch me! I have a boyfriend and if he finds out you'll be sorry. Even if you are very sexy." YN hisses wafting the banana in his face (YN let the banana go 😭).

This made him chuckle quietly shaking his head "I am your boyfriend YN... come on let's get you back into bed and then I'll cuddle you, yeah?" Rick says softly while directing her out of the kitchen and into his bedroom "Fine... but don't tell Rick okay?" Yn warns Rick causing him to smile "Don't worry I think he'll okay with this."

Once Rick successfully leads YN back into his room she flops down on his bed and kissed the banana before throwing it across the room causing them to giggle "You are crazy aren't you darling?" Rick asked to nobody in particular but himself as he climbed into bed next to his S/O

"Crazy in love with you." YN whispered back kissing his nose and snuggles in to his chest and in a instant they fall asleep

Rick looked down at YN smiling once again "Yeah... I'm crazy in love with you too Darling." Then he fell asleep holding YN close.

The next morning the smell of eggs and bacon filled ricks nose as he looks around the small bedroom seeing YN wasn't by his side

sitting up he yawns and makes his way into the kitchen seeing Beth and YN making breakfast "Good morning dad sleep well?" Beth asked smiling to which rick nods

"could have been better."  He say grumpily looking back at YN who was poring coffee into his mug and handed it to his with a warm smile and a kiss on the cheek "go sit at the table breakfast will be done soon."

Rick does as his gold at sits next to morty.

After breakfast YN was watching the dishes till they felt arms wrapped around waist and lips on their neck causing them to smile "Hello Rick was breakfast okay?" YN says softly, Rick hums in response "So tell me love. When was you going to tell me you sleepwalk ?" Rick smirks and

YN looks back at him shocked "W-was I doing it last night?"

"Indeed you was.. don't worry you didn't do anything stupid." Rick smirks again pulling YN closer to him "Well thank you for looking after me I guess.." YN giggles and so did Rick before kissing their lips.

"Hey Rick do you know why my lemon squares was on the floor this morning?" Jerry asked causing Rick to pull away from YN

"They tasted like shit."

I'm sorry if the ending seemed rushed I was tired writing this. 😅  but anyways


Keep a look out for more updates soon!

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