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WHEN I WOKE UP my ass was sore it hurt so bad that i could barely sit down .

I showered but the water reminded me that something actually happened. As the painful sting lingered.

I decided to wear something comfy and loose.

I rubbed shea butter into my skin and massaged my ass a little to relieve some of the pain.

Which didn't help.

I put my on my slides and grabbed my backpack. I saw my keys and walked out of the house.

Throwing my bag into the car first. I stare down at my phone peeping the time.

I only got an hour sleep i felt dead.

So now im sitting in my car. I pull out of the driveway.

I was craving a dount so i bought one and in ice coffee too because it doesn't hurt.

I skipped going to school as usual and i swear my mom calling me to lecture me its like clockwork.

I sat there as she repeated herself.

"adíos" i mumbled shortly then hung up.

I sipped on my coffee and reclined my seat back.

Looking at the detail interior of my jeep.

The bags under my eyes weighed heavy as my eyes fought to stay open.

I let my eyes close.

Hours passed and my phone rung making my eyes snap open.

As i answered my phone i was greeted to the voice of Andrea my foster mother.

"¿Por qué no estás en la escuela? Sabes mejor que he tratado de ser amable, pero ya es suficiente cuando vuelvas a casa, voy a tomar tu..."

why arent you at school you know better i have tried to be nice but enough is enough when you come back home im going to take your-

I hung up again because i wasnt in the mood for her bullshit.

Its the same thing everyday.

I rolled my eyes and started my car and drove back to the house.

I parked my car and turned it off.

Preparing myself for the scolding shes going to do i walk into the house.

I peak around the corner and walk into the living room and up the stairs.

Shortly my peace was ruined. "keys now" her voice filled the air.

I handed her my keys and blasted my music through my airpods.

I sat on my bed as she yelled at me.

She left slamming the door behind her.

I landed on my bed releasing a sigh as my head hit my pillow.

I waited until 1 am in the morning peeping into andreas room.

I started to get ready for the party.


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