Part 1: funny orange evil juice!!!!

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{{{Bandu's pov:}}}

I was hanging out in the 3D realm, when Bambi came up to me, with some weird glowing orange liquid, looked shiny, I wanted it.


[Bandu]: "Howdy Bambi! What's in the thingy?"

[Bambi]: "I mixed a bunch of liquid cleaner from under Dave's sink, I don't know what will do, It also has a random orange thingy in it."

[Bandu]: "You're english needs improvement, and, it's shiny, can I have it?"

[Bambi]: "Sure, I hope you don't die from it."

{{{No one pov:}}}

Bandu took the orange liquid from Bambi, he tried it, kinda tasted like soap, but was edible, Bambi noticed something change within Bandu, he had an orange glow surrounding him, and his eye and pupil colors changed, to a blue and yellow, very visible.


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[Bambi]: "Uh, Bandu? Are you alright? Your glowing. I don't think that's normal."

[Bandu]: "Y0U TH1NK?"

[Bambi]: "What's happened with your voice?! You sound glitchy, like a- game, glitch, or something- like a- video game character says something- like- but it glitches, y'know?"

[Bandu]: "B4mb1? 1 f33l l1ghth34d3d, l1k3 s0m30n3 h1t my h34d with a b4s3b4ll b4t.."

{{{No one pov:}}}

Bandu collapsed, like a ragdoll, Bambi backed away in fear, Bandu's limbs scattered, for they had fallen off of his body. Bambi texted Dave, to see if he could help.


(B) <(Dave, something is up with Bandu, I gave him orange stuff and now he's sleeping on the floor.)

(D) <(Sleeping? Uh, I'll see if I can help, I have to get Tristan to sleep first, if I can, I'll come over and see what I can do.)

(B) <(K)

{{{No one pov:}}}

Bambi put his phone away, he gathered Bandu's limbs so they wouldn't roll away with the wind, Bambi waited for Dave to show up, About a few minutes later, Bambi got pissed off because he was waiting for so long, Bambi was too lazy to text Dave back, so he waited, a few minutes later, Dave still wasn't there, Brobgonal walked past Bambi's farm, he noticed the corpse though.


[Brobgonal]: "Heheh- What happened to her?"

[Bambi]: "You mean him, and HE fell asleep after I gave HIM orange stuff."

[Brobgonal]: "Whatever, she isn't my problem, so i'm leaving, tell her I said hi, if she survives."


[Brobgonal]: "Jesus, ya don't have to yell, stupid bastard."

{{{No one pov:}}}

Brobgonal left, he chuckled silently as he walked away, Bambi scoffed, Bambi saw Dave walking- err.. rolling, his wheelchair to Bambi's farm, Dave gasped in fear when he saw Bandu's corpse

{{{Dave pov:}}}

I saw it, Bandu was lying there, in the grass, He had orange- stuff, spilling out of his mouth, I didn't say anything, I just carried Bandu, who was in his origin form, for some odd reason, to my lab, in my basement, at my house, Bambi didn't follow, he just stood there, guarding his corn like usual.

About, like, 20 minutes later, I finally reach my house, I went to my basement, I set Bandu on this large table, and I panicked, I mean, who wouldn't in a situation like this? One of your friends, about to die, because another friend gave him poisoning? I sigh, I grab a test tube, it was red, I didn't have time to check the label, I just fed it to Bandu.

Few minutes later, Bandu starts to open his eyes, I gasp, his eyes.. They look different, I don't know if it was the orange mixture or my red one. I'm just glad he's ok.


[Dave]: "B-Bandu..? Bandu? Bandu your okay! Oh my gosh, I was so worried for you!"

[Bandu]: "0f c0urs3 1'm 0k4y, 1f 1 w4sn't, 1 w0ulnd't g3t t0 d0, th1s."

{{{No one pov:}}}

Bandu grabbed a large science book nearby, and threw it directly at Dave's head, he fell unconscious, Bandu chuckled to himself, he put Dave into a trash bag, and walked away, leaving Tristan all alone.

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