The origin of the internet

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This is a story i wrote for English class

Long ago, there was something called the internet. Thousands, millions and even trillions of generations had passed by. All origins of this thing called.. What was it, the in.. ter…. Um, lets just call it the net. In the present, its not futuristic. Ive heard legends of back billions of years ago there were flying machines, car..? Not sure what its called. Glowing rectangles, manual travel to space even though humans couldnt breathe out there? Astonishing really..

Oh, i forgot, my names whispian. Im a species that we call cosmostrellus. All of the humans died out long ago, but there were many legends of them. They seem scary honestly. How they managed to destroy a whole planet with resources created from that planet? How they fought eachother for fun? It later lead to their demise. It wasnt clear what exactly happened, but our instructors mentioned it was because of something called "nuclear warfare" which killed them all.

Our instructors made us swear that we never become like the humans. But back to the point, we recently started learning about the inter net. We dont completely understand it. Those in charge have told us its it was a realm separated from reality.. You couldnt step into the internet, but you used a device to access it. I cant wrap my head around it. All the information on the world was on there, and anyone could find anything they wanted within milliseconds.

Were not really sure what humans are, or who created the internet. We think that maybe the humans were pawns and there was a bigger force. This is the main story ive heard;

A long time ago, there was a strong force called universa. She was the strongest being to ever exist. She created everything, but she wasnt always the strongest. She used to live on a realm called the astral plane. She lived happily among other spirits just like her. She had many friends, but her best friend was this spirit named mystylla. Mystylla was kindhearted, energetic and reckless. Universa loved her very much though, even with her flaws.

On the astral plane, there were thousands of spirits, but there were three main gods, astrellus, blessra, and latruna. Astrellus was the strongest god. Latruna the second and blessra the third. As you may know, spirits can never die, but they will always be born, dissasemble and live once more in a different form. Universa and mystylla were relatively young spirits, only a few thousand years old. 

The astral plane was a relatively peaceful place. No one had seen any sort of disturbances ever. Once every year the three leaders would have a private meeting discussing the status of the astral plane. Generally, over the last year things had been calm, but universa could feel something was off. She noticed how many of the other spirits were giving off a different energy or aura than usual. Not exactly upset, but she could sense something was bothering them. Did she not know something. She was just a kid, so who would trust her with any info anyways. 

But she couldnt rest, knowing something weird was going on. Of course no one would know anyways, they were mere spirits so why would they have any idea what she was thinking of. Universa couldnt sit still anymore, so she went to her friend mystylla. “Hey, do you think something weird is going on?” universa began. Mystylla looked at her with confusion. “What do you mean? This place is always normal, and a little boring” she muttered under her breath. 

“I dont know i just..” universa began, “doesnt something seem off? I mean, when was the last time there was a celebration, or gathering, or anything. People seem cold. Do you think they know something?” universa voiced her worries, she hoped mystylla would understand. “Hm.. i mean i guess you could be right.” mystylla paused, before getting a grin on her face. Universa paused “i know youre thinking of doing something stupid” she was worried. 

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