the shooting

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The clock at the corner of my classroom somehow moved rlly slow. It was 2:58 pm, and the last two minutes felt like 2 centuries. We were preparing for our big exams that are coming next week. Five minutes later, I checked the time again and it was only 2:59pm! Just one more minute! We have a five day holiday. Not to rest and go out like regular holidays. These holidays were for studying. Ergh. Who would give FIVE WHOLE DAYS just for studying? That is like torture!

I looked at my watch, counting the last few seconds of school.






The bell rung really loud, like usual. The teacher closed her book while all the students started packing

The teacher ducked behind her table, as all the students stampeded out of the class, like Buffaloes when they see the colour red.

I was last out of the class. I have learned my mistake from last time; never be part of the stampede. Last time I broke my nose while rushing out.

Anyways, I quickly rushed down the stairs to pick up my younger brother Jay. He was three years younger than me, so his class is three levels down.

I got down the stairs and proceeded to his class. I sat on the bench outside of his class as it was still going on. I took out my storybook and started reading. When his class was dismissed, I waited patiently for the stampede to clear out. Like me, my brother was last to leave.

I opened my arms and he ran towards me, and hugged me. I ruffled his hair as I secretly passed him a piece of mentos.

Our mom was busy with work and our dad divorced mom years ago.
Many kids went to the canteen to get a snack before their extra curricular activities begun. I held Jay's hand as we walked towards the main gate.

Suddenly, a loud bang made everyone stand in their spots. Then, chaos.

The bang was so loud, that my ears were in so much pain, that everything sounded faded and mumbled. I put my hands over Jay to protect him. He was really terrified because he was shaking so hard.

I swung my head around to find the source of the bang. A man with a gun started shooting everywhere. It was total chaos, that everything seemed to be in a blur. Teachers trying to protect students. Children running everywhere.

I looked down and Jay wasn't there! I frantically started searching for him.

I heard screaming and turned around. Jay seemed to be looking for me, and behind him, the man was aiming his gun at him!

Without thinking, I lunged myself forward and moved Jay out of the way, and took the shot.

My eyes became blurry as I fell on the ground hard with a thud. Jay started screaming my name.

"Miranda! Someone help!" He cried. The pain in my chest was aching so much. My head started hurting. I was breathing heavily.

Some of the teachers came to my aid, carried me, and placed my head on the grass. I looked over at Jay. His eyes were flowing with tears. He sat beside me as the teachers applied pressure on my chest.

Tears came to my eyes due to the pain. But I didn't care about the pain. I am just glad that Jay is safe.

I started to feel dizzy and out of breath. I saw the teachers calling the police and the paramedics. They are telling me me that everything will be alright and to stay with them. I could see the blood coming out of my body.

I started to fight through the pain. I couldn't die! Who will take care of Jay?

Tears flowed from my eyes as Jay squeezed my hands. I started wincing.

I heard an ambulance and police car outside the school. I heard some shooting and could see many people starting to form around me. The paramedics rushed towards me and carried me onto the stretcher.

I took one last breath as I started to lose my consciousness. As I laid, the clouds above me started to go dark. The sky too. I turned my head sideways and looked at Jay and the teachers running beside me.

I finally lost my consciousness and everything turned black.

But little did I know that this would be the last time I ever saw him.

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