∆§playing pretend.§∆

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Yes it's the title I don't have any ideas all right😭

I mixed the next chapter and thi one😭😭😭

Muichiros pov-

I arrived home and went upstairs I ignored the butlers,maids ect I just want to sleep since I have school tomorrow.


I woke up to my surprise it's 4:30 am.whatever I'll just get ready the maids already made breakfasts and I ate my phone buzzed as I expected I got an interview with tanjiro.."what am I going to do.." as I groaned.since it's already 5:09 I decided to read some books a at my library(eh!?)
After I finished reading it's already 5:40(how long have you been reading...)

So I went to school.i arrived and people were running to me and asking if the news was true I Found tanjiro and he looked like an angel.."MR.TOKITO WHY DID YOU MARRY KAMADO TANJIRO!?" I heard someone tell
Everyone fell silent and everyone looked at me even tanjiro he just nodded like he said to play along.."oh..we have been dating for..4 years now and we aren't really married we are just engaged"

Everyone looked at tanjiro and tanjiro just nodded.the bell rang and people ran to their classes I walked up to tanjiro."what did you say?" He asked me."I just said that we're engaged and have been dating for 4years now".I replied trying not to blush.."if it weren't for your rival it won't be this way right?".I nodded in approval."wait are we in the same class?". Tanjiro nodded and we walked to class together.we obviously sat next to each other and chatted. Everyone was talking or staring at us

The teacher came and congratulated us and started the lesson I couldn't help but to stare at tanjiro the whole lesson..

Tanjiros pov-

I felt like someone is staring at me but I don't know who.so I shrugged it off

At lunch

I went to the rooftop to eat ovi I liked being alone but the marriage incident made me popular and it made me uncomfortable I was and extrovert that kinda liked to be alone.i was alone until my "husband" came running to me asking for help."tanjiro I need to do a HUGE favour I'm really sorry but I need to do this"."eh- sure?" I was confused but yea
Some gurls were running towards us

"I'm sorry tanjiro" that was last words I heard before muichiro pulled me into a kiss(😭) I was so shocked but I had to pretend ovi so i closed my eyes and we both pulled away from each other."UGH I HATE YOU KAMADO!" Some gurls yelled at me.after they left muichiro kept on apologizing."hey it's okay I know you had to and tbh Ur a good kisser" me and mui was blushing."r-really?".he said flustered.

"Ye-yea haha.."I also said flustered."oh I almost forgot we have an interview with the reporter or something..". muichiro said kinda akwardly
"Sure I'll go but do we hove to call each other 'darling' or 'honey'?"I said kinda flustered."yep..." I was about to say something until zenitsu,inosuke,and aoi was screaming my name."KAMADO TANJIRO!!!!!"."KAMABOKO GONPACHIRO!!!" muichiro laughed at inosuke for calling me gonpachiro

"kamado tanjiro tell me how you married the youngest billionaire in the world and when.".that was the moment I lagged.thank the lord muichiro answered."well me and tanjiro aren't really married we're engaged so yea..."

"Then tell me how did you meet Mr tokito"."4 years ago me and tanjiro met on a café and we became friends we developed feelings for each other and we confessed we decided to keep our relationship a secret and it was until my "best friend" told the internet.".how did muichiro say that calmly!?!? I can barely think of anything right now! I thought to my self..

"Okay then kiss.." aoi said very serious she is the mother of the group to be honest and obviously she has trust issues..me and muichiro looked at eachother and before we kissed(😭) kanao saved the day..(I'm not making her a bad person like last time okay).

"INOSUKE HASHIBIRA DID YOU STEAL MY BENTO BOX!!" kanao yelled we both sighed in relief ."kanao before you scream more we need to have proof that Mr tokito and his fiancé here is truly a couple"

Cmon aoi you need to be better than this can you tell that me and mui-san are uncomfortable!? I thought to my self."Now..K.I.S.S"
"Alright alright mOm". Before we kissed we both sighed and kissed we both closed our eyes and pretended to love it... After that..
"Alright Mr tokito with all due respect please don't break the little beans heart"

."AOI I'm not a bean!!". zenitsu,inosuke and kanao started to laugh."you are a bean darling." Muichiro added
Which made me tomato."s-shut up". muichiro chuckled and we all started to talk

After school

Nezukos pov-

"Gosh Oni-chan is pretending to be married by the youngest billionaire in the world rn like how!? How did they even meet"
I yelled."cmon nezuko it's probably a mistake.."

my mother tried to calm me down but it was no hope."mom! What if tanjiro gets hurt!? I don't want anything to happen to my big brother!!"I kept thinking and worrying about my brother I didn't want him to be hurt."darling we all are worried about tanjiro.."my mother is just like Oni-chan."it's probably for our own safety or good nezuko"

Tanjiros pov-

I went home and greeted my family nezuko hugged me very tightly."ONI-CHAN MAKE SURE YOU DONT GET HURT IM SUPER WORRIED ABOUT YOU AND I-" i put my finger on her lips to shush her."nezuko it's okay mui-san is a good guy.."."B-BUT-".

"no buts nezuko it all for our own good.".she just sighed and hugged we again."j-just make sure you get home s-safe"."I'll make sure nezuko now let go of me since mui-san is waiting for me".she let go of me and nodded.i quickly went upstairs and changed I hope this will go well we are just playing pretend but I love it...do I have feelings for mui-san?


Word count: 1062



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