|sleepover p.2|

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Tanjiros pov-

How rich was he!? I mean he is a billionaire but how!.I thought to myself."your thinking how rich I am right?". muichiro suddenly asked."ehm how did you know?".he just chuckled and didn't answer me.

When we walk on a aisle.i was so fascinated that I didn't know I was holding muichiro's hand."uhm tanji?". muichiro suddenly said which made look at him."yeah?"I replied

."your hand".I looked over at my hand and there it was I was shocked and I let go of his hand
I immediately apologized for my actions."hey it's okay.."

let's just go to my room."where do I sleep?".I asked him and he stopped walking and kinda became a tomato."uhm..I bought a mansion that's only for me and my butlers,maids and ect."."and I'd you want to sleep at the butlers place its full.."he added

"S-so do I s-sleep on the couch?"I was stuttering I bit cuz I was flustered."nope Ur gonna sleep with me"."wh-what!?"I was shocked on the sudden action(hah?)."don't worry my bed is big"(😐?).I was kinda relieved but kinda sad I didn't know what's happening with me(your in love~)

We started walking and arrived at his room we walked in and he wasn't lying his bed was big no..HUGE."do you sleep on that bed all by your self!?"

I kinda yelled."yep I do".he replied calmly."you can walk around I'll be in the bathroom".I nodded and just explored his room.i got tired and went to his bed.i plopped on his bed because I'm tired Ovi.

"I'm bored now." I flipped over.i heard a sound..a door opened."hi?".a maid walked inside.i got up."hello?" We both stared at each other until mui-san walk out the bathroom.we didn't notice tho-
"Are you muichiros maid?".I asked suddenly to break the silent."yes I'm his maid" she replied."what are you two doing?". muichiro suddenly asked which mad me jump

"GHOST!" I accidentally yelled out.mui and his maid started laughing while I was here embarrassed."don't laugh! I got scared!"I yelled at the two."alright.sir tokito.ma'am akame(a made up character) is here".and she walk out the room.
Mui-san rolled his eyes and told me to get ready.i just nodded

I went to the bathroom doing stuff .

Muichiros pov-

Akame really..she's annoying and thinks I'm her boyfriend.i thought to my self I got a buzz on my phone it was a notification.i opened it.the company received 68 million!? I was so surprised by the sudden news.i thought about tanjiro I think it's about him..eh
Tanjiro walked out the bathroom being an angel

"You ready?'.i asked him and he nodded we both walked out the room and while walking we were chatting until akame ran up to me and slapped me."WHY!?" She screamed tanjiro was confused."ma'am are okay?"tanjiro asked akame

"YOU!" She walked to tanjiro and slapped him."YOU STOLE MY BOYFRIEND!" Tanjiro just looking at me and akame really confused.he touch the place akame slapped him."excuse me why did you slap my fiancé?" I had to act like it."muichiro please don't be married to this brat marry me instead!!" She yelled

Tanjiro was silent and the maid took him."I don't love you akame..tanjiro is the one i love." It was true tho..(ayo)"wh-what?"
She was surprised on what I said."i said I don't love you I love tanjiro" before she said anything I told her to leave. i don't care if she was hurt.i only care about tanjiro. Right now

Tanjiro pov-

She really slapped me that hard.i mean I could slap her back but I don't want to cause more trouble.
Muichiro walked in and when he saw me ran up to me."are you okay!?".I was a bit surprised about it but I liked how he cares for me."yeah I am" I just smiled and muichiro and ruffled my hair

I loved when he did that tbh.i don't know if he likes me buf I think I like him..(no your inlove~) the maids were shocked I guess I knew because he was  cold and didn't care about anyone."are you sure Ur okay?".I just nodded."let's go to sleep I have work tomorrow."."mk"

We both walked to his room  and when we both got onto the bed we stared at eachother before I slept first...

Muichiros pov-

He looked so adorable when he sleeps(Ayo-?) I'm sure he is asleep so I adjusted myself to hugged tanjiro and he snuggled me.

Like this

I'm so lucky I found him and people think that we're married

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I'm so lucky I found him and people think that we're married..
And I fell asleep


Tanjiros pov-

I woke up first and the first thing I saw was me cuddling with muichiro.i became a tomato(how many times did I say that?).eh whatever I liked cuddling with mui.and I fell asleep again...

2 hours later (doesn't tanjiro have school? Whatever imma make him absent😐)

I woke up and mui was gone I think he left for work..I got up and went to the bathroom.(should I? Nah).I literally forgot where it was.so I went everywhere and I finally found the bathroom it felt like years

I did my stuff and went out the bathroom I found a letter on the side of the table.it read."tanjiro I'm out for work if you don't know how to drive you can ask tomioka to drive you" I was surprised because he has more cars I knew tomioka since he came to the café almost everyday
After his shift ended

So I looked for tomioka and after like years I finally found tomioka
"Hi tanjiro"he said calmly like he wasn't surprised."I giyu-san can you drive me to my house?" He nodded and when giyuu was driving we were chatting

When we arrived and waved at giyu-san and he waved back.hes like my brother thb I walk inside and everyone was staring at me like they haven't seen my for years."ONI-CHANNN WHERE WERE YOU!!!!!" That's when I realized I haven't told them I had a sleepover at muichiros house

"Kamado tanjiro where were you!? We we're worried sick about you!" My mother yelled I had to explain what happened and stuff that's when they started to calm down


Word count: 1093

Hai 😀 don't ask why this is so bland but yea😃😀😃😀

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