Chapter 3

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I haven't done any editing so there may be some spelling and grammer mistakes, sorry.


He can feel himself slowly being puled out of a dreamless sleep. He can't really feel his body, which is a weird sensation. It makes him open his tired eyes before closing them again as his eyes get stung by artificial lights. Stiles turns his head before reopening his eyes.

The first thing that he sees is his father slumped down in a chair, sleeping. The man looks slightly worse for wear. The second thing Stiles notices is the room he's in. It's a hospital room...why is he in a hospital room? Stiles looks down at himself and takes in his bandaged body and slowly everything that happened comes back to him. Oh, that's why he's in a hospital.

He turns his head and spots Isaac who's sat on the opposite side to his father and is currently focused on his phone.

"" Stiles tries to call out for Isaac, but his throat is sore and it's making talking difficult.

He still gets the boys attention as Isaac's head naps up and he quickly puts the phone away and stands up. Isaac leans over before pulling back.

"Open up and then I'll get the doctor." Isaac instructs.

Stiles does as asked feeling slightly confused. That confusion dissipates when Isaac puts an ice cube into his mouth for him to suck on. He allows the cold water to melt down his throat and sooth it.

Isaac gets up and walks towards the door of the room. Doing so seems to wake up Stiles' dad as the man looks at Isaac confused before his gaze seems to focus in on the very awake Stiles.

"Stiles?" The sheriff asks.

Stiles gives the Sheriff a short quick smile that has the man slumping in relief.

"Stiles I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that on the phone. If I had known, I would have been racing to you in an instant. I'm so, so sorry." The man tells him.

Stiles swallows the last of the ice cube before smiling carefully at the man in front of him.

"It's okay." Stiles says timidly.

The sheriff goes to open his mouth again with a look that puts Stiles on edge, only to snap it shut as the doctor and Isaac make their way into the room.

"Stiles, I hear you're awake. Do you know how long you've been asleep for?" The doctor asks.

Stiles shakes his head.

"You've been asleep for three days, you almost had me worrying. Now tell me how you're feeling. Any pain that I should know about?" The doctor inquires.

"No, I'm not in any pain right now. Guess you've got me on the good drugs." Stiles jokes.

The doctor laughs. "That we do. Now that you're awake though I need to do a quick exam of your motor functions in your arm. Is that okay?"

"Umm, sure." Stiles agrees.

"Good. Let's start simple. We don't want to accidently open any stitches, so for now we will just be checking on if you can move your fingers. So, give them a wiggle for me." The doctor instructs.

Stiles does as asked and tires to wiggle his fingers. It sends pain down his arm to do so making him wince, but he does manage to get his pinkie and pointer finger to move slightly.

"Two out of five, that's excellent news. I'm sure that we can get the rest of them moving in no time. Now I need to test your touch sensitivity. So, I'm going to touch different areas on your hand, and I need you to tell me if you can feel it. okay?" The doctor questions.

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