Chapter 1

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The stars look so pretty tonight, Stiles thinks hysterically as his hand press down on his stomach. He's trying to stop the bleeding and keep all of his organs on the inside. It's not working very well. Blood is pouring out of him at a rapid pace and he thinks he can feel his intestines in his hand.

His breathing is laboured as the class marks across his chest make breathing hurt. Stiles can't bring his other arm up to stop the bleeding from his chest as it's shredded. The skin looks like ribbons from where the rogue omega grabbed on to Stiles' shoulder and pulled Stiles along the forest floor.

He turns his head to the side and finds the corpse of the rogue omega laying with a knife in his skull. Stiles still isn't sure how he managed that. Everything had been happening so fast and Stiles had been in so much pain, he's not in pain anymore and can't help but think that he should be worried about that. But one second the omega had been attempting to rip out Stiles' throat with their teeth and the next second Stiles had slammed the knife he kept hidden in his boot, down into their skull.

As Stiles is looking at the dead body of the omega, he notices a glint from the floor that draws his eyes towards it. It's his phone. Should he reach for it? It would mean taking his hand off his stomach and his innards spilling out, if he does. But if he doesn't then it may mean his death.

Stiles decides that he doesn't want to die, as he removes his hand from his stomach and reaches for his phone. He whimpers as he does, all of his wounds stretching. But he manages, he manages to get his phone and bring it to his face so that he can see the screen. His phone is slippery in his hand as his blood makes it hard for him to hold onto it.

He almost drops his phone making him cry out in panic, but he catches it before it can fall. Stiles closes his eyes and tries to breathe before waking his phone up and looking at the far too bright screen.

"Please..." Stiles begs as his bloody fingers desperately try to swipe on his phone screen.

As Stiles is attempting to get his phone to work, he can't help but think about his life. His regrets, all the things he wished he had done differently. Like in eight grade he should have stood up for Erica when she was being made fun of for her seizures, yes it would have gotten him beaten up, but it would have been worth it.

Or he wishes that he hadn't been such a creep towards Lydia, using her as his beard was bad enough but to make her uncomfortable doing it, he shouldn't have done that. Or when Derek came to town, Stiles shouldn't have gone along with Scott's hatred of the man and instead he should have gone with his own thoughts. Or hell when he was in middle school and he...

His fingers start working on his phone screen making Stiles let out a little sound of victory before he starts swiping through his recently called list, he tries to go to his contacts but that seems to be useless. Okay, first up Scott. From where he had been calling him before the attack to see why he hadn't shown up. The boy wouldn't answer his fucking phone.

He hadn't been answering Stiles texts and phone calls for a while. Ever since Allison came to town and Scott became a werewolf, he's been focused on everyone and everything but him. It's like he got the girl, the popularity and got rid of his asthma and Stiles suddenly became not good enough. Not worth the effort necessary to be friends with.

So, Stiles keeps swiping. His dad... he can call his dad!

Stiles presses on the screen and waits...and waits...and...

"Stiles? Look I don't have time for you and whatever mess you've gotten yourself in right now. Bye." His dad rushes out before hanging up.

Stiles chokes at how quickly his dad just...just...

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