Chapter 13 - Just Trying to Eat Lunch

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You hid in the library to eat lunch in hopes that the fanclub wouldn't harass you. Beyond your expectations, you were in fact spared their wrath for a single lunch. However, of course, you weren't lucky enough to be spared discomfort entirely.

Across from you sat the brown-haired asshole from yesterday. The boy who's cursed at you despite your apologies. Sack of shit.

You could almost feel the awkwardness as you crammed into your favorite corner. He sat just over at a near table flipping through a book. A rather unexpected one, at that. It looked to be some cheesy romance novel about a pirate. A least, that was what you gleaned from the rather... obscene cover.

You yourself were reading over a book your mother had recommended if you ever wanted a long and dense read. And, if you were quite honest, anything that could distract you from the situation you were in would be worth it to read. Especially something long and dense.

Heheee nice- *ahem* anyways.

The boy seemed to notice your attention on the cover of his book, and immediately flushed when he realized you knew exactly what he was reading. Without warning, he slid a bookmark into the book, slammed it shut, and slung it straight at your head.

Impressive precision was certainly one of his skills, and he managed a perfect shot at your skull with this specific toss.

The paperback hit your forehead with unexpected force, effectively making your eyes water slightly. Great. A burned hand and a bruised forehead. Your parents would definitely lose it when they found out how banged up you were.

But just that thought was enough to make you crumble. Because what if they never got the chance to find out? What if they didn't survive their injuries? From what you knew, the hospital was doing their best to help them, but there was no guarantee that they'd actually manage to save them.

And now, out of seemingly nowhere, you were sobbing. The brunette seemed absolutely appalled at the display. He obviously didn't feel bad, more so he was disgusted. He eventually stood up and walked over to you.

With a rude groan, he picked up his book from the floor, "You're ugly when you cry."

"...oh. Yeah no sorry, that's my bad. I'll just be sexier when I cry. Sorry 'bout that. Asshole." You choked out the statement in a few chunks at a time, making it, oddly, all the more impactful than it would usually be.

That response seemed to catch him off guard. He spun away with a huff and went back to his seat. You rubbed your eyes with your palms, and sighed. You needed to go to your car for a little while.

You needed to be alone.


Jenny was beginning to lose her touch with reality. The pain in her leg was gone, but not from healing, rather from the severed nerve endings due to the bone jutting out of her flesh.

Heavy viscous tar had begun to soak into her veins, replacing her once smooth, crimson blood. She would periodically vomit into the grass as she stumbled across the sidewalk. She was desensitized entirely from the flavor by now, and instead she tasted nothing.

She wandered aimlessly while her body gave out on her. She had to make sure she found Jack before she died. If she didn't, she'd never reach salvation. Her savior. She had to find him.

Jack had to be the one to do it. She didn't care how. She just had to die by his hand.

The heat and dehydration made her skin peel into layers of crisp dust. She was amazed she wasn't dead yet. But at the same time, her brain was too shut down to really focus very much on anything except finding Jack.

Finally, she fell to her knees in front of the house she'd been at yesterday. Much to her dismay, she found that it seemed no one was home. Or, rather, someone was home, but it was not who she was hoping for. It was neither the actual resident, nor Jack.

Instead, she found the television running. On the screen was a game she hadn't seen in a while. Majora's Mask. And somehow , it was playing itself. And surprisingly well, at that.

Jenny was already not in a good state to be dealing with... anything. And this certainly wouldn't help. Somehow, her brain decided that this game would know where Jack was.

"Hey, do you know where Jack is?"


Ben nearly spat out the soda he was drinking when he saw it. He hadn't expected to see a woman with bone sticking out of her leg today. Let alone speaking to him.

"Nope! Sorry, man. He left this morning. Said he was goin' to get cleaning supplies."

Of course, she couldn't hear him, but he didn't really care, so he just kept playing without actually responding in any useful way.

She nodded, "I understand. I bet he's getting a coffee at the shop down the road. He likes it there."

"Heh, no he isn't! He's at the grocery store. Fucking idiot."

She stumbled away and left the house once again.

Ben groaned when he saw the blood that had spilled from her leg onto the carpet. Dammit, he'd have to clean this up before his new pals got back, wouldn't he?


Jack got back to the house long before Ben was done cleaning up. He almost had a heart attack when he saw some stranger cleaning blood out of the carpet with hydrogen peroxide.

"Hey! Who the hell are you, and what are you doing here?"

Ben stumbled slightly, and looked up from cleaning the carpet. When he saw who it was, he gave a shark-toothed grin.

"Heya! Where's your friend? You know, the cutie who lives around here?"

"...Excuse me? You didn't answer my question."

"It's BEN. Though, uh, our author doesn't seem to like to waste the time to capitalize it soo... *ahem* Anyways! I'm the one who was playing Majora's Mask the other night."

"And why, pray tell, are you cleaning blood out of the carpet?"

"Oh yeah! Some weirdo came in through the window tryin' to find you! She had bone sticking out of her leg, and it got blood all over the place, so I've been cleaning it up."

Jack' eyebrows furrowed.

"She wouldn't have happened to be wearing a suspiciously cult-y robe, would she?"

"Yeah, she was. Know her?"


"...Angry ex?"

"Sacrificed me to a weird cult."

Be- *ahem* BEN sucked in a breath, "Yikes. My dad did the same thing, actually!"

Jack raised an eyebrow behind his mask. His ear gave a curious twitch.

"Yep, drowned me in a pool! Gotta love it, y'know? How long ago was your sacrifice? Mine was like... three years ago?"

"...Two days."

BEN's jaw dropped.

"You're up and moving after TWO DAYS??? Damn, wish I'd recovered that fast! Took me like two months to undrown myself!"

"...I kind of wish you'd stayed drowned."

"Hey! That's a real shitty thing to say to someone, y'know!"

"Yeah. I know."

"...You're a real asshole, huh?"


The lock clicked open on the front door, interrupting their conversation. This was going to be hard to explain, wasn't it? Jack hadn't exactly told you about his uhm... situation yet.

A BLOODY GOOD TIME // Creepypasta x Fem. ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now