Chapter 14 - Headachey

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You opened the front door to your house expecting Jack to be there, but not whoever this was. You had never seen this person in your life.

"...Jack? Who's this?"

Jack hesitated for a second, "He came out of your TV."


BEN was quick to explain, seeing that you were absolutely lost after what Jack had said, "You know how your game was playing itself earlier, and doing all that weird shit?"


"That was me."

You stared at him for a moment, suspicious, but after fully taking in his appearance, it made a small amount of sense. He was dressed like Link, after all. And the blood pouring out of his eyes suggested he probably wasn't just some random dude breaking into people's houses in cosplay. Though, objectively, you might have almost preferred that to someone crawling out of your television...

Unsure of what to do, you awkwardly held out a hand for him to shake, "Uh, nice to meet you... I guess..."

He took your hand and shook it eagerly, "My name's BEN. It's nice to meet you too!"


"I know, you told me."


It was then you took notice of the globs of thick tar, and splotches of blood that spotted your rug. You raised an eyebrow dubiously at the two of them. The blood could've easily come from BEN, but the tar's source wasn't one you could trace. Perhaps Jack? An odd substance did coat his mask, but it seemed unlikely that enough of it would've gotten on the floor unless he'd face planted into the rug.

"Some girl came through here looking for Jack here. Her leg was leaking that weird goop." BEN volunteered his experience from earlier.

You nodded, taking note of the cleaning supplies already out. Well, at least they weren't leaving the house a mess.

BEN had been scrubbing the carpet before you'd entered, and though the blood was now mostly gone, the tar seemed absolutely immovable. There was no soap that could've gotten rid of it. Well, none that they knew of at least.

So, you took initiative, and went about things the easiest way you could think of. The tar was stuck to the carpet, therefore it wasn't coming out of it. The easiest way to get something unstuck from carpet? Oil. And you had vegetable oil in the cabinet.

So, with a headache from the hard smack to your forehead earlier in the day, and exhaustion quickly taking over from stress, you grabbed a bottle of vegetable oil and began working. This was going to be absolutely terrible...


Cleaning the tar out of the carpet had taken hours, and you were absolutely beat now. Currently, you were laying face down on your freshly cleaned carpet in plank position. You were so incredibly tired.

You rolled over onto your back and sighed. Jack sat on the couch, staring down at you curiously.

"So... enjoying it down there?"

You chuckled lightly and sat up - a tad too quickly, however, worsening your headache. Jack seemed to take notice of the slight bruise that marked the center of your forehead, and raised an eyebrow at you, though you couldn't see it.

"Is your head okay?"

"Yeah... I saw some guy reading a romance book in the library and he got all embarrassed and threw it at me. That's all."

"...That's concerning."

"Yeah, he's a real douche."

"No kidding... Well, do you need anything for it?"

"Eh, I'll just take some Ibuprofen and pray it doesn't bruise too badly."

"...That's a shitty way to handle that. I'll get you some ice."

"You don't need to-"

But he had already stood up and walked to the freezer.

"Okay then."

He returned a moment later and handed you an ice pack. You took it and placed it against your head, sighing as the cold melted away your pain. It wasn't perfect, of course, but it helped. You laid back down on the floor facing up and sighed. God, you were exhausted.

BEN was playing Majora's Mask again from inside the TV - it was creepy, but whatever. He seemed to be enjoying himself. Slowly, you sat up.

"Anyone want dinner?"

Jack nodded, "I could eat."

You paused for a second, "Cool. BEN?"

The TV flickered, and your new friend crawled out of the screen, a grin on his face, "Sure thing!"


You stood from the carpet and walked to the kitchen, glancing through the pantry. Nothing in it particularly interested you at the moment though, so you grabbed your phone and called the local pizza place instead.

After placing your order, you rejoined your friends on the couch, sitting comfortably between them.

"Mind if I disconnect the console for a bit and put on a movie?"

BEN shook his head, "Go ahead."


You unplugged the console and plugged in your DVD player instead. You popped in a movie and pressed play, then sat back down on the couch. You'd chosen [favorite horror movie].

"You really like horror flicks, huh," Jack asked, raising an unseen eyebrow.


[words:845 - sorry it's so short, but I'm still getting back into the groove of things.]

A BLOODY GOOD TIME // Creepypasta x Fem. ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now