Mentally Unstable

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I am slowly losing it, I am slowly going insane, Jonah is worried about me, the poor boy is scared for my well being. I did not mean to scare him like that but could not help it. I am currently sitting on my bed with him holding me close for comfort, I am sobbing in his chest as I held him close. There was no way I can get through this, I highly doubt it but Jonah always said that we will both get through this together and that he will never give on me. Jonah always been by my side ever since Mark's death and even after the break up between me and Adam. Jonah knows how much pain I have been through and he wish to fix it but he knows there is not much he can do except for comforting me and try to cheer me up.

Jonah was kind of like a brother to me, but he is no replacement for Mark of course, and I know he would never try to replace Mark. I never gotten a break from work before at all and it felt good to not be on anyone's ass today, clients would always fucking send me complaints about Adam or Jonah, I am getting tired of it and I am getting sick of it. I soon calmed down from crying but I still held onto Jonah, I didn't want to be alone. Jonah sighed softly and would continue to hold me as he strokes my hair softly. "You alright Sarah?" he asked with a soft and caring voice. It felt good ti be treated like an actual human, not saying that Jonah never treated me like one ever since he have moved into my house I am saying that as the founder of BPS clients thinks I am just some fucking computer that keeps in all their information that have been given to me, that is not how the fucking brain works and they need to realize that.

I nuzzled Jonah's chest softly and nodded. "Mhm..." I hummed as just sat there, letting Jonah hold. It has been while since I have anyone around, the only person that used to always be around was my brother but now that he is gone I had no one until Jonah moved in. He respects my space, he respects my boundaries, he re3spects the rules here. Oh Jonah is such a sweetheart there is nothing to not like about him, he would never intentionally break anyone's heart. The guy sees me as a sister, he wants me to have a good life but it has been hard for me to do so and he understands that.

I am just hoping things would get better soon, I do not want to have another mental breakdown like I did just now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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