Chapter 13

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I wake up miraculously hot, snuggling into the warmth around me. Jack's arms are wrapped securely around me, my leg over his hip and face buried in his chest. There was no guilt in my position, and I rationalized that I woke up like this because of the need for warmth, and even if my parents found out that I was sleeping next to a guy they would understand.

I must have rustled, because I hear a soft, "Morning, Eden," coming from above me. I smile up at him, and he leans down, placing his lips softly on mine. "Warm enough?" He asks after pulling away, letting me revel in the warmth of his lips.

I don't answer with words, instead I recapture Jack's lips with mine and pull him closer. His tongue darts out to meet my lips, and I open them to grant him access. Hands roam under my layers of clothes, and I shiver at the touch running up and down my back. His large hands can almost encompass my waist, so I am not surprised by the ease at which he picks me up, almost commanding me to straddle him.

But Jack didn't need to persuade me any. I awoke with the feeling that the only way to feel the warmth of normalcy would be through him, and I waste no time to test this theory out. I was using him, but I needed him.

My legs are on either side of his hips, making sure to rest right over his excited length. My hands are shaking, whether from the cold or the rush of contact, on his chest.

Jack's tongue is in my mouth, taking control and leaving no room for me to argue. I relished the dependence on someone, and melt into him. His hands suddenly move, pushing me against him harder as a guttural moan escapes his mouth. Heat flares through me at the noise and I push against him harder, anxious to hear the noise again.

Jack flips us over, and at the weight of him on top of me I let out my own moan. The heat between us is almost unbearable as he slowly grinds into me, causing gasps to fall from my lips at the friction. "Fucking hell, Eden." (A/N-is that sacrilegious? Idk)He whispers into my ear, kissing down my neck, biting hard enough that he was leaving bruises. My nails in turn scrape down his back, desperate to release some tension built up.

"Jesus fucking Christ why didn't I do this-" Snap. That singular noise tears us from our blissful break. We jolt up, both suddenly realizing how stupid we were, deciding to have a joyride instead of doing something proactive. Anything could be out there, what happened to the rest of the group was exhibit enough for that.

We wait, in silence for minutes until the breaths that we take are normal and the fight over our nerves has been won. Silence, in turn, surrounds us like a blanket, muffling our ears. Could it be a predator lying in wait, or simply a branch falling under the weight of snow? As much as the fear was gripping me, I had no real desire to find out, lest the genesis of the noise really was our not-so-friendly canine friends.

But all too soon the suspense is too much for Jack and out he creeps, silently yet completely deafening, out of the protective cotton and nylon fabric surrounding us. Knowing that he would rather me stay inside, and not feeling any push to actually go outside, I continue sitting, wringing my hands together and biting my lip. Nervously I wait, but slowly relax when there isn't any immediate sign of turmoil.

What felt like ages later, I hear Jack's relieved voice call out. "We're all good, Eden." I sigh in relief and stuff my feet into my boots, and pick up Jack's as well.

He takes them graciously, putting them on in record time to avoid getting his layers of socks wet. He pulls me in for a hug, solely for enjoying the companionship and warmth, and the relieve that we both felt. "Well that was an eye-opener." He mutters into my hair, kissing it before pulling away.

I nod, tears pricking at my eyes. "What if that was a wolf?" I hate how my voice wavers, but I can't do anything to control it. Nor do I really have the strength to change it.

Jack looks into my eyes. "I really don't know, Eden. But I do know that I would never have forgiven myself."

"Well we probably wouldn't be alive for much longer if it was a wolf." I deadpan, breaking away from him and walking over to the pack filled with food. "You know, Jack, this won't last us for very long." He follows, and places his hands in his pockets in defeat.

"I can hunt."

I snort in return. "Oh yea, and what are you going to hunt, huh? Wolves? Good luck with that." My dark humor is probably caused by the almost brush with death, but I can't help it.

To this he shrugs. "We'll it's worth a try."

Unless you get eaten instead. I think, but keep these morbid thoughts to myself. It almost seemed as though voicing them aloud made them real.

We eat, pack up, and start walking in just over an hour. There isn't much talk between us, almost as an unspoken agreement that today is to be a solemn one.

Jack picks the direction we go, keeping our right side to the mountains, which he seemed to think it was best if we hugged them relatively closely. Jack also made most of the conversation, although I did try and simulate him as much as I could.

"Eden, Eden, Eden!" I hear his excited voice call out after a stretch of silence. I pull my eyes away from my feet, stepping one in front of the other, to meet his very adrenalized ones.


"What do you see over there?"

I look to where his finger was pointing, and squint. Glasses or contacts were not at the top of my packing list. "Uhh, a black spot?" I can't tell without the help of some visual aid.

He shakes his head vigorously. "No, I'm pretty sure that's a cave." He picks up the pace, trying to reach the proposed cave faster.

I remain unconvinced. "Jack, that's so improbable I won't even get my hopes up. And even if it was a cave, don't you think something else would be living there?" I rationalize, and feel a pang of guilt for how blunt I am being.

But Jack has armor to protect his pride. "Nah, I'm pretty sure that's a cave and I'm pretty sure we can use it." He seems unaffected by my disbelief.

I shake my head and follow him the short distance to the spot, my wonder growing steadily as it really did appear to be a cave.

Well, as we reached it, I think a slit, or maybe a long hole, would be a better word for it. It was only about four feet across, with light only reaching ten feet in. All together, my mind was going crazy with the possibilities of what could be lurking just past the light.

     Jack, however, was not sharing these same feelings, as he brandished a flashlight and went headfirst into the hole, like an excited child.

     I shake my head and follow him, completely repulsed by the thought of what lies ahead.

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