Chapter 5

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Roc's P.O.V

I woke up, did my morning stuff and put on some clothes. I ended up outing on some khaki cargo shorts with my breds 11s and a black and red Nike shirt that said: Just Do It. I headed out the door on the way to school.

When I go there I saw the barbies and Samiya with her crew. Ever since that day at the clinic she has never talked to me much. She won't even look at me. She said that she has never cried before and I was the cause of her crying. She is such a bitch. Well whatever.

I walked into homeroom and saw Simmons sleep. I saw Samiya sitting at her usual seat with Alances and Alani. Even though I said she was a bitch...... she is sexy as hell. She had on a navy blue pencil skirt that made her ass extra huge, a white tucked in strapless blouse, and some navy blue and white toms desert botas. She was so.... wow. I sat down next to Ray since me and Samiya weren't on speaking terms anymore.

"Wassup nigga". Ray said giving me dap

"Whats good my nigga" I said turning my attention from Ray to Prod and Prince who were coming over. we all greeted each other and then just talked.

"So did you here that Jacob coming here too" Prod said

"I'm already here" Prince said laughing

"Shut the hell up, Im talking bout Latimore"

"Oh forreal" I said paying more attention to prod

"Yea my nigga, he said he getting off tour...."

"oh aight that's cool". The bell rung for first period and then everyone left out. My first period was P.E. I had this class with Alances. I went into the boys locker room, changed to my P.E uniform then came out. I saw Alances come out of the girls locker room and I walked over to her.

"Hey Alances, can I talk to you"

"Why the hell would I talk to you, you hurt my bestfriend".

"That's who I wanted to talk to you about, Can you please just tell her that I want to be friends again"

"Roc, just forget about Samiya, she doesn't want you and she doesn't need you, why can't you get that through your head, no matter how how you try she will never be a relationship kind of perosn, she likes sex to much, even if ya'll do have a relationship, good luck on staying faithful". With that she walked to her spot on the gym floor. I had nothing else to say to that. I just sat down in my spot and kept quiet. I need to find a way to get into Samiya's heart.

Samiya P.O.V

"Samiya I'm not going to tell you again, please sit down and stop causing trouble"

"I didn't even do any fucking thing, lay off of my case Mr. Battle". He suddenly got really close to my face and then I felt a sharp pain. I was use to being beaten from my mom's fuck buddies when I didn't do what they told me to do. But this pain was very different. It made my face sting.Everyone Instantly got out of their seats and some went over to comfort me but the rest, which was mostly boys, went to beat the shit out of Mr.Battle. I'm very popular so I have my backups. I would have beat his ass my self but I'm....what's that word.......Oh yea, pregnant. Suddenly everything was blurry and then everything went black.

When I woke up I was in a hospital. I was tied up to all kinds of things. I know this sounds crazy but all I was worried about was my baby. I know I'm sixteen and all but I was looking forward to doing the things with her that my mom never did with me. Suddenly Alances and Alani walked in and ran to my side.

"OMG, Samiya I was so scared". Alani said giving me a big hug.

"Im fine.... but what about the baby".

"You have nothing to worry about.... the doctor said its perfectly fine". Alances said giving me a hug also. OH THANK GOODNESS.

"Someone wants to see you though". Alances said

"Ok who". I sat up but when he came in I laid back down.

"We'll leave you two alone". Alani and Alances walked out of the room leaving me and him alone.

"What do you want". Suddenly I felt him warm big soft lips on mine. Damn the things this boy does to me. I pushed him away. I was going to curse him out but he tarted talking before I could get anything out.

"I know your going to curse me out. But honeslty I like you.....alot. I know that your not that relatioship type but I'm ok with that. I'm not the type either so we could work together. When I heard that you were in the hospital I didn't know what to do. I felt like half of me was missing. Oh yea and something else. We have to face the reality someday. That baby is most likely mine. I promise that I will take great care of it even if its not mine. I really do like you and I just hope that you can give me a chance". I was completly speechless. Wow. Of course I like Roc but not in a way that I could see us as a couple.

"I don't know what to say"

"Say that you will be my girl"

"I can't Roc.....I'm sorry"

"I understand....... can we still be friends"

"Yea.....I guess"

"Ok". then he walked out. Wow. But then someone else walked in. She looked kind of familiar. She kind of looked like me a little. She had the same color hair and eyes as me. She had on a tight but professional looking floral dress with some pink flats. Her hair was out and it looked like it was naturally curly like mine. She sat down in the seat next to my bed.

"Hi Samiya"

" who are you"

"I'm......your mom"

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