Chapter One

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- Y/n P.O.V - 

Its been eight years since that day.

Mr. Park: "I'm sorry Y/n, but with your record I currently can't do anything for you. Becoming a Gamma isn't easy, there is a lot to go through to get there." He said, giving me a hopeless look.

Y/n: "Oh come on Mr. Park doesn't give me that, I've had a good 8 years here. I did my five years of community service, I've been helping out at the pup nursery, I've cleaned up literal shit from the ground, Mr. Park. Do you understand? Shit." I said with a serious tone, cringing at the memories of the work I've done for almost a decade.

 Mr. Park sighed and put my application back onto his desk, the look of defeat plastered on his face.

Mr. Park: "Y/n, trust comes with becoming a Gamma. So far you have not been proven trustworthy to this pack. You've broken rules ever since your pack was welcomed in. Not to mention your infamous for rejecting the future Alphas hand during your welcoming." He said, seemingly disgusted with that situation as well.

"I can't believe people are still talking about that." I thought to myself in disbelief.

Y/n: " I stopped breaking rules a long time ago, plus I was a kid who had just gone through possibly one of the most traumatic events any child could go through." I said with emphasis on the word "child."

Mr. Park: "You're right, but the pack never forgets. Especially since you are technically an outsider." He said moving to rest his arms on his desk.

I sighed while shaking my head as I was ready to get out of the chair and leave.

"I have no one but myself and my stubbornness to blame for this," I thought to myself. I was disappointed in my past actions, but I at least thought the pack could see my changing.

Y/n: "So there's really nothing you can do for me." I said with defeat in my tone.

He shrugged his shoulders and sighed, telling me all that I needed to know. I shook my head in acceptance and stood up, gathering my belongings.

Mr. Park: "Look at it this way, being a Gamma is a dangerous job, you're better off as an Omega especially in this climate, attacks are at a rise." He said, trying to sound hopeful in an attempt to cheer me up.

Y/n: "Yeah? Tell that to my mother." I said as I walked out of his office, not letting him respond to my comment.

When I walked out of the building I was greeted by my two best friends, and the only people who really want my company, Jennie and Rose.

Rose: "Y/n!" She yelled as she saw me, running to give me a big hug.

Rose was a part of my originating pack, me and her met when we were first moved onto the Winter Wolf Packs land. We have stuck together ever since, trauma bonded but in a good way you could say.

Jennie: "How'd it go?" She asked as she joined in on the hug.

Jennie is originally from the pack. She was the first person to greet me and Rose when we were introduced in the school, she's stuck by us ever since.

I really appreciate having Jennie around, she doesn't judge me because of my past actions, she's probably the only person in this pack that has actually tried to understand me.

Y/n: "I was rejected, after all this time. I can really only blame myself though." I said as I exited the hug, disappointment apparent on my face.

Rose: "Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that Y/n." She said, matching my saddened expression.

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