Chapter Seven

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- a week later -

Announcer: "I now present to you, the new Alpha and Luna of our pack, Jungkook and Y/n," the announcer yelled over the crowd of cheers from the people of our pack.

I kept looking forward, not even sparing a glance to Jungkook. Ever since he told me about the girl who was probably his first mate, I can't bring myself to look at him or understand.

I'm not mad at him, he has been through so much, but the thought that I wasn't his first mate kills me inside. "Why does he have another mate, and why was I chosen to be his other mate?" Were just two of the thoughts that have ran through my mind ever since.

We have been sleeping separately per my request ever since, I felt like we both needed some space but that also killed me. So many conflicting thoughts, emotions, feelings, it's just been a very stressful time for the both of us.

As we walked through the crowd of people I tried to put on a brave face, especially for Jennie and Rose who were in the crowd, but I could see in their faces that they could tell something was wrong, best friend intuition I guess?

After the ceremony we went back to our house and went our separate ways, again...

As I walked to head to my bedroom I couldn't help but look back at him, hoping he would do the same. But alas he just kept walking, "Maybe he's too afraid to face me?" I thought to myself, "Should I initiate conversation?" I thought.

I wanted to go to him, run into his arms but my body was frozen, my heart called for him, screamed for him to hold me. I couldn't help but let my emotions consume me, dropping down to sit on the stairs, letting out my tears in helplessness.

Jennie: "Y/n sweety, can we come over? Me and Rose want to see you!" Jennie suddenly asked through a mind-link she had just opened.

Y/n: "Uh yeah I'll just have to ask...Jungkook." I responded, reluctant to talk to him, which was apparent in my tone.

Rose: "Is something going on over there? I swear if he's hurting you Y/n," she said before I cut her off.

Y/n: "No, no one is hurting anyone there's just, a lot going on right now. I'll tell you guys all that I can, let me talk to Jungkook." I responded before closing the mind-link quickly.

I got up and wiped the tears from my eyes and face and headed towards his office.

When I reached the door I stood in front of it, nervous to knock. Hearing voices inside, not just Jungkooks I decided to eavesdrop a little, even though I know I probably shouldn't have.

I heard him, Jimin, Hoseok, and I think Yoongi's voice inside, it sounded like they were discussing how they were going to go about announcing the war, and plans on how they would track down the Shadows hideout.

But the voices were too muffled for me to hear anything. Sucking up my emotions I knocked on the door as hard as I could. "Come in," a voice said. I was shocked at how they heard the knock since I didn't think I did it that hard.

I opened the door to see Jimin, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jungkook looking at the doorway, anticipating who was coming in. All of their eyes, presenting a shocked look to see it was me. All of them turned to look at Jungkook, "I guess they know we're at a rocky point in our relationship right now.

Jungkook: "Hi- uhm, what's up, Y/n?" He said, nervousness apparent in his tone.

Y/n: "Uhm, is it okay if we send a carriage to pick Jennie and Rose up? I haven't seen them in a while so..." I asked nervously, looking at the ground, scared to look him in his eyes.

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