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I can't believe I told him 'yes'. Two days ago, it was just a thought, an idea—something for the 'just in case' scenario. It wasn't meant to be Plan A.

But fuck. Fuck. Fuckingfuck.

I had to do something though.


It's his fucking fault. If he acted like a parent, I wouldn't have had to turn to this. Bills need to be paid. I want to not sweat my balls off this summer. Winter will be before I know it and I refuse to freeze to death this time. We need food in the fridge—ha, who am I kidding—I need food in the fridge.

I'm tired of living like this. A life of less than less. He's used to it and allowed it to happen. I don't have to. I can take control. And if this is it then I guess so fucking be it. Can't go back on it, anyway. That'd be worse.

Got to live with the consequences.

What the fuck am I thinking? 

Fix: A Two-Part StoryWhere stories live. Discover now