Chapter one - Stupid Pranks..

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Hi, my name is [Y/N L/N]. I've been here at the HQ for a long time now, I have all the normal spider powers + enhanced intelligence + enhanced speed. Today I sit in my lab inside the HQ, making some speed and strength enhancers for people in the HQ to grab.

I sit in the lab, mixing chemicals and typing notes into my tablet with progress. I have my spider suit on, I have my mask and hood on over it. It's a very nice lab, nice and bright, white, nice desk, nice counter and containment area.. it would be nicer if I didn't have a camera watching me all the time... all of a sudden I can sense someone behind me so I spin my chair around "Can I help you Miguel?" I look up at him. He looks really stressed...
"[Y/N]... do you have all your notes done?.." His tone is a bit cold. "I do, actually." I say, he looks a little surprised. I grab the tablet with notes and hand it to him. Miguel grins as he presses a few buttons and.. "oops.." he says with a cold chuckle as he hands back the tablet, all the notes are wiped.. he wiped a days worth of work. "guess you gotta restart.." He smirks as he says this and walks out. I groan and roll my eyes, he does stupid shit like that all the time.. I just start re-writing my notes...

My Stupid Boss.. Miguel O'Hara. (Miguel O'Hara x Female reader <3)Where stories live. Discover now