Chapter 1 / We meet again

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I lay in bed. This week has been very eventful because I have been moving houses from my ex-husband and maybe the fact that I haven't slept in over six days. Having insomnia really isn't the greatest thing to happen to me. The darkness tore my room apart as I turned off the lamp beside me. It hurts. Everything hurts. I close my eyes, attempting to persuade myself that sleeping would be a better option than staying awake for the week. However, once again, it felt impossible. Maybe I didn't need to sleep? I'm sure I'll wear myself out eventually. So, I tore away the covers on top of me and sat up.

Suddenly, I hear my dog start barking and scratching against the front door. Dragging myself down the stairs, my head starts to hurt intensely, so I continue walking down the stairs to get my painkillers. I peeked my head around the corner and crouched down, looking at the dog, who was scratching on the door like usual. That's when a flash of light clears my vision, and everything goes black.

I awoke to the sound of a heart monitor, passing through my head like drums, giving me such a painful headache. Beside me was my ex-husband, asleep, with the dog who was huffing and puffing with his tongue out on his lap. A nurse walked in to tell me I had a concussion, and also that my neighbour found me passed out on the bottom of the stairs. That would explain the dogs barking and how I felt such a strong wave of pain pass through me as I was walking down the stairs, I suppose I could have probably fallen and knocked my head. She then went on to ask if I had slept at all that week. In which I responded, "I have insomnia, so I have been struggling a lot recently." After thinking through the pain. The nurse then continues to say,
"Alright, now you should be getting some rest." She says, checking my monitor. wow. This just adds more to my week... but I have no time.
"Well thanks a lot for everything, but I kinda really got to get home, I have a house that needs renovating, and nothing is going to get done with me here." I say, smiling at her, pulling off the covers and sitting up.
"Not so fast, you need this rest, according to you yourself you haven't slept all week, this is very unhealthy and I would appreciate it if you got back under the covers and laid down."
"I need to go." I repeat.
"No you don't, we have called up your company..."
"How do you know my company you creep?"
"The person beside you?" I turn and look at my ex.
"Oh yeah... Him, my apologies."
"Well you have the right to have a couple of days off."
"But I need to get home, who's gonna walk my goldfish?" The nurse looks at me and laughs.
"Very funny, but I insist you stay here for your own safety." She stops, turns and walks out of the door.
"And I will look after benjamin."
"Huh?" I say, now turned to look next to me, my ex-husband looking at me petting my dog. "Uh, no thanks, I don't need help."
"You sure?" He says "You're here for a few days right, I'll help sort out your house while you're away."
"Why are you being so nice? Actually, I have you one better. Why are you even here?"
"I just wanted to see how you were."
"I told you I didn't want to see your face anymore."
"I know, but I miss you, catherine."
I sigh, not knowing how to respond. My mind takes me back to the time we were happy, and I began to wonder if there was still a chance for us. However, I shake my head and try to push away those thoughts. This isn't the time or place for such discussions.
"Well, I appreciate the offer, but I'll manage without your help. Besides, I don't think it's a good idea for us to be around each other so soon after the divorce." I say, trying to sound as calm as possible.
"I understand, but just know that I'll always be here for you." He replies, taking my hand in his. I feel a sense of warmth from his touch, but I quickly pull away.
"Thank you, but I need some alone time right now." I state, and he nods, understandingly.
"Take care of yourself, Catherine." He says as he gets up to leave the room.

As I lie back in bed, I can't help but feel overwhelmed by everything that has happened in such a short period of time. Moving houses, insomnia, and now a concussion. I close my eyes and try to take deep breaths, hoping to calm my mind and finally get some rest. However, my thoughts keep racing, and I can't shake off this feeling of unease.

After a few minutes, the nurse comes back in, checking my vitals and asking me if I need anything. I assure her that I'm okay and that I just need some time to rest. She nods and leaves the room, giving me some much-needed privacy.

I close my eyes once again and try to focus on my breathing. Slowly but surely, my mind starts to calm down, and I begin to feel a sense of peace wash over me. Maybe being in the hospital isn't such a bad thing after all. At least here, I can finally get some rest and take a break from all the stress and chaos in my life.

As I drift off to sleep, I can hear the faint sound of my dog snoring beside me. It's a comforting sound, and in that moment, I realize that I'm not alone. I have my furry companion by my side, and although things may be tough right now, I know that I'll get through this with the help of my loved ones.

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