Shattered Bonds

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As the lights deemed, everyone looked towards the screen to watch the next episode.

['It's unusually quiet..,' thought Hak.
"General Hak! Keep up the good work patrolling!" said Min-Su.
"Thoughtful as always, aren't you, Min-Su?" said Hak.
"Say, shouldn't you be with Princess Yona?" asked Min-Su.
"Mmm...that would be tactless of me. Lord Su-Won is with her," said Hak.
"Oh! Does he finally know how she feels about him?" asked Min-Su.
"Hard to say. But it's probably a matter of time," said Hak.
"You know them both awfully well, don't you general?" asked Min-Su.
"Well, I've been watching them...for a long time," said Hak.
"Those two...How should I put it? I want them to be happy together," said Hak.]

"Well there goes that wish," said Hak.

"So all three of you grew up together," asked the white dragon.

"Yep. We're basically about a year or two apart from each other," said Yona.

["S...Su-Won...My father...He's....Hurry...Get a doctor...," said Yona.
"King Il isn't going to open his eyes again. I killed him," said Su-Won.
"W-what are you...saying?'re not...someone...who'd do that...," said Yona.
"You have no idea. I've been dreaming of this day," said Su-Won.
"You...Why?...My father cared about you so much, ever since you were little...," said Yona.
"That's true. And I loved King Il very much. People called him a coward and said he feared battle...because he was kind...However...that wasn't the truth. Not a shred of it was true. Do you remember my father, Yu-Hon?" said Su-Won.
'My uncle?' thought Yona.
"Even as a child, he was bold and clever. And once he was a man, the armies he led were undefeated. Everyone wanted him to become the next ruler of the country. Everyone expected it. And yet...," said Su-Won.]

"But is was my father that was chosen," said Yona.

"You can't really blame yourself for this kind of thing. You had no idea," said the green dragon.

["Ten years ago, the old king chose uncle Il over my father. No one understood why. The eldest son was supposed to be heir to the why was the timid younger brother chosen? But my father only smiled," said Su-Won.
"The throne is not what matters to me. I'll continue fighting on the front defend my brother and our people," said Yu-Hon.
"I was so proud of my father. I...respected him so much. I'd grow up to stand beside him...on the battlefield...and give my life for him someday. That's what I believed," said Su-Won.]

"I guess we can respect that about the new king but not much else," said the white dragon.

["But as soon as King Il took the throne...he murdered his brother," said Su-Won.
"Th-that's impossible! There was on accident!" said Yona.
"That's the official story. My father died when yours ran him through! Do you understand? King Il supposedly hated weapons and avoided battle...but my father died on his blade. Princess Yona...that's why...I've been living for this day...for the past ten years. I have avenged my father and will follow in his foot steps. I...will be the ruler of Kohka," said Su-Won.]

"There had to be another reason for what you have done Su-Won," said the old wind general.

"There is but at that time I was more focused on avenging my father," said Su-Won.

['This is...a nightmare. The worst possible nightmare,' thought Yona.
"This can' happening...," said Yona.
' hairpin..."Well, I hair's wonderful." You gave me...this hairpin...,' thought Yona.
"I didn't expect you to be up so late. And I'd heard that you don't often visit the king's quarters. Why...did you come here...Princess Yona?" asked Su-Won.
"I tell him...that...I'd never be able to give up on you. I father...," said Yona.
"Lord Su-Won! Preparations are complete, sir! What's this? The you've achieved your dream at last! Hmm? My lord, this Princess Yona!"
"Did she...see what you did? There's thing to be done. She has to die...Lord Su-Won. Silence her. Even if you spared her life...she'd only suffer," said an advisor.
"S-Su...Won...," said Yona.]

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