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"Honestly Ari, you wanna look like this on the first day of your Junior year.. you would look more like a guy than a girl if it weren't for your ass nd boobs, for god's sake".. said Shayne, my newly made friend.. who is trying to be my friend right now basically, just because I rescued her from a gang of bitches last year.

She's been under the influence since then, as she thinks I'll always protect her.
Well, if anything like that happens, i definitely will kick some asses..not just because of her.. but because I just like to kick asses..lol

And beating the shit out of wrong people just gives me the legitimacy of a hero. But yeah, I'd never hurt an innocent..

But honestly some bitches deserve that shit.
Shayne isn't a bad company to keep..if I'd like keeping company at all. Which i actually don't..
It'll take some time to get out of the trance she's in..i guess..

"Shut up Shayne. That's who I am whether you like it or not.. nd yes this is the impression I wanna give on my first day of fucking high school.." i sharply cut her in, irritated by her ranting about my dressing sense, as we pedal on our bicycles to reach our school..

Weather's nice.. not normal people's nice but my nice.. the sky is crowded with dark clouds threatening to start a downpour any minute. The best weather i could ask for. At least this is cool today.

And as for my clothes.. it's black crop top over which there's a black shrug over it..lazily hanging from my shoulders...
And then cargo pants for the bottom..
What better outfit could be there?

Interrupting my train of thoughts, our rich ass high school comes in my view. To be honest it's huge and beautiful but the people there is what which makes it nothing but a hell hole ... Real classy...

But whatever...

"We're here!!! I'm so excited for the first day... There are gonna be boys.. i have to look pretty. I'm ready for it.. this is gonna be awesome.. Shayne, this is it.. your dream High school.. don't be nervous,..." I hear Shayne giving herself a pep talk as if she's gonna fail the academics if she doesn't look pretty or the strand of her hair gets loose... As i park my bicycle.

"Let's get going Shayne.." i say vehemently as i start walking towards our lockers.. and she follows my lead, close behind.

Shayne truly is beautiful. I don't know why she thinks she's not enough.. she may be irritating at times but she's a good person at heart.

As I enter the corridor, advancing towards my locker.. I'm greeted with many side eyes and low murmurs behind my back.. And as always I'm unaffected by these shits.. but honestly these guys are turning sixteen this year and they still keep on doing what they used to do at the age of 10..
Real mature..

I keep my books in my locker with a novel that I'm currently reading, Verity... interesting plot.. and the murmurs start to grow louder... I bang the my locker shut ..
And with that, all the murmurs starts to die..
Easy peasy, ain't it?

Well, my first class is of history nd I'd rather not be late to get my last desk. You know for the peace and to enjoy the weather too.

I take my airdopes and plug them in my ear, and play an old classic piano piece that usually helps me focus my mind. And with that i head towards my class.

I read the whole chapter by myself while Mr. Triat, the substitute teacher of History and English who joined when the last term was about to end, when Mr. Hilts, had to "urgently" leave the town because of some "personal issues", was explaining the passage one. What a waste of time.. interesting chapter though anyways . The bell rings at last and the music stops...at the exact same time.
Co incidence.

"Miss Woods," i suddenly look up at Mr. Triat who's now he's hovering over my desk as I'm packing up my things to go and everyone is dispersing already...

FYI, every single girl in this school has a crush on this man. I would say its total cringe but not in this case. Because maybe i might, only might, have a teeny-tiny crush on him too. Don't blame me, because he's different. At least, he seems different. And unlike other girls, only this guy has caught my attention, and even at that, i mostly supress it. Because even if i show it, nothing's gonna become of it.

"I'd like to appreciate your achievements in previous classes. As this is the starting of your high school, i would like to have a bit of chat with the scholar whenever you have a free class today." Says Mr. Triat, without letting me even say anything in between to put up any excuse of going to the Library or any extra curricular assignments that I've picked up...

Mr. Triat is hell of a man to be honest. But he's a teacher so i try to keep the dignity. And as a well known student who's known for being a great nerd. So that's something i have to preserve to survive this high school period not miserably. As nobody would come near me.. and if any shit happens, i definitely will be beating asses to make the murmurs die down.

But Mr.Triat, he has this blue eyes that seems as if the color of his irises were straightly taken from the ocean
And his well built body comes straight into focus because of the fine fitting of his suit.
With contrast to his very professional outfit, he carries a messy blonde hair which i think is dyed because in the root level of his hair, it looks mousy brown which looks just as classy as he is.

Maybe I won't put up any arguments or excuses to his command this time as I've been staring straight into his eyes while thinking all of that. For fuck's sake.

"Ari, you'll definitely be late for your next class if you keep staring like that at me and i think Mr. Hudson won't like you being late to his class", he says as he brushes my hair lazily with one hand and i think my heart just skipped a beat but I'm confused about the reason behind it.
Is it because he's been staring at me too?
Or because of the fact that he personally knows my schedule of classes?
Or because he just came too close and brushed my hair which is not a very common behaviour for a teacher?

As all of that goes winding around in my mind, i just dip my chin in acknowledgement of his words and hurriedly pick up the books and leave. I don't think Mr. Hudson is even gonna see me in class today..

I'm going to the banyan tree at the end of the ground to give myself some space to think in solace. And i think i need a good smoke right now. Particularly mystical start of the term.

As i advance towards the banyan tree after taking my bag out of the locker, as my lighter and a pack of cigarette lies in there in a really good hiding spot of it.

I sit on the ground and take a cigarette out of it. As i burn it with my lighter, i snap it shut away. I watch the cigarette as fume emits from its burnt point.

How lucky that cigarette is.. it gets burned itself to complete ashes just to intoxicate the smoker of it's presence ..
Influence the smoker of it's presence..
Infiltrate the smoker of it's presence ..
I wish I was the cigarette

Hi readers! It's your Author 🐇:),
Hope you're enjoying the read .. these two chapters lay the basis of the altogether story . It might be a bit long but I'm sure you guys are gonna support as it was the character building part of the story..
And if you liked reading this chapter..
Please vote and comment...🌹💌

P.S: I'll be updating daily for this month on this book around midnight..
And if I get a bit busy i might have to skip a day. But just a day at most not more than that. Love and regards ❤️


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