Verosika And The Chocolate Factory

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CONTENT WARNING: Vulgarities, sexual fetishes, lowbrow/perverted humor, and nudity. Don't read if you're under 18 or can't stand any of the previously mentioned topics.


The life of a Succubus Pop Idol is never dull... And it can be annoying as all hell too.

When you're popular, hot, sexy, talented, hot, beautiful, have a dynamite figure and did we mention hot - Everyone wants a piece of you.

Sometimes even literally.

Verosika Mayday, the hottest succubus in all of hell certainly wished she was ripped apart right now, anything was better than being a chocolate factory for a potential sponsor.

Verosika Mayday, the hottest succubus in all of hell certainly wished she was ripped apart right now, anything was better than being a chocolate factory for a potential sponsor

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Oh well, at least she got a pretty wicked new outfit that showed off her impressive figure. What Verosika didn't appreciate was the literal slimeball that was right in front of her.

It was the owner of this factory, a purple slime demon with yellow eyes, with one of them in a swirl, trying to look fancy in a black suit and top hat.

"I'm so glad that you accepted my proposal, Miss Mayday..." The slime nervously chuckled as he clasped his hands together. "H-Having an attractive super star like you would..."

Verosika sighed before she placed a clawed finger on the slime's lips, immediately shutting him up. "Look, I'm sure you got a ton of money, but save the small talk and let's talk business. The sooner we're done here, the sooner I get the hell out of this pigsty."

The slime raised an eyebrow but shrugged as he leaned back away from the finger on his lips. "Oh uh, of course. We'll make our way to my office where we can go over the details more thoroughly... A small tour too if you'd like."

"Whatever," Verosika scoffed, not even looking at the slime as she flicked a little bit of the slime's ooze off of her finger. "Let's just get this started..."

"Oh, but of course," The slime replied with a curious grin on his face before he pulled his hat off. "Oh, but before we go, may I interest you in a small snack?"

Verosika watched as the slime pulled out what appeared to be a simple bar of chocolate. God, how long was he carrying that thing in his hat? It was probably melted and smelled of rancid goo.

But much to Verosika's surprised, when the slime plopped the bar into her hands, it was solid and cold.

'Just swallow this garbage Verosika' The demon thought as she unwrapped the chocolate bar. 'You can always just barf this up later. '


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Loona And The Chocolate FactoryWhere stories live. Discover now