getting ready.

16 1 1

9:08:10 PM, 2019/7/8

"I don't get it. Why you would want to go out with those girls? They are such a bad influence on you!" My mom cried. 

I rolled my eyes. I don't get why she still treats me like a kid, I'm literally 19! I could do what ever I want! Sure, I still live with her, sure, I can't afford an apartment, but I'm a legal adult. I know I could never say that to her face. But I guess she just cares about me, I mean, I can't complain. I been having the perfect life. Good grades, fun friends, and happy normal family, nothing bad. I just realized I should respond to her comment.

"I know you care about me mama, but please trust me! They are good friends, and they always look out for me. May I please go out?" I begged looking straight at her carmel eyes, hoping that she would let me go out.

She sighs for a bit and just looks out the window before answering. Those few seconds felt like minutes, hours, days. Basically, I just felt anxious, she never lets me go out, I always have to sneak out, and today MIGHT let me go out all by myself for the first time. Suddenly, she turns at me and sighs.

"Fine, but you better be back home by at max, 2AM. Can I trust you?" She questioned me.

I squealed like a pig. I was shaking, I couldn't believe this was happening to me! I always felt left out in high school, and finally I felt that I could finally be included with all my friends, officially. My friends always teased me for barely coming to any social events or just not going out, and now they can't leave me out for this. Even at school they ditch me for some people they met at some place, but it is whatever. I prefer staying inside but still, I don't feel like being made fun because I missed something, I think it's pretty stupid myself but those people are my only friends I have.  I just don't want be alone.

"Thank you so much mom! And yes, you can trust me! And my friends." I giggled.

She looks at me for a bit, and then leaned in for a hug, and of course I hugged her back. She looks at me and pats my back. To be honest with myself, I don't really care about this going to this club. It's probably going be overcrowded, expensive, and bunch of creeps are going to be there. I just want to be there, to be there.

"Since you are SoOo grown, go dress yourself and let me know when to drop you off." She laughed.

"Ok mama! Love you!" I giggled as I ran upstairs to my room.

I love my room, it's a haven to me. It has cute trinkets from my friends and family, and some of the things I found at the beach. My room is also my favorite color! (Anything that is a favorite is your choice to pick.) I also have window next to my bed, but it is a bit eerie. Sometimes I feel like I am being watched...  But that's whatever since I haven't died yet! Anyways, I like how the fairy lights in my room tinker at night, and how my room has an unusual amount of plants and crystals in my room. I just love my beautiful brown vintage dresser. I realized I was getting of track so I did what my mom told me to do, pick an outfit

 I realized I was getting of track so I did what my mom told me to do, pick an outfit

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I didn't really know what to wear, so I just put this on. I put it on and looked in the mirror. I know my friends will make fun of me, even though nothing is wrong with it. But that's what friends do.. I think? I exited the room. I already have everything packed in my bag, but I'll double check.




And a casual switchblade just incase, ya know?

As soon as I walked out of my room, my little brother and sister dashed to me like the flash and startled me. They start laughing at me since I yelped in fear, and I got embarrassed. They tackled me, but luckily I was able to push off an eight and 10 year old. I soon noticed they seemed upset that their little plan didn't work.

"What do you two rats want now?" I tease.

"DON'T LEAVE US!!!!" They cried in unison as Maria, my little sister tugged my sweater and David tried to pull off an Assassin Creed move on me.

"Well, I'll be back in the morning! I swear." I promised to them, while I try to push them off me.

Maria looks at me with a huge grin and then squeezes me with the tightest hug ever. David just looks at us with a blank stare and mumbles "Cringe." But he just joins in the hug.

"I love you guys with all my heart. Remember I will always be there for you guys and come back.." I whisper and hug them even tighter. They all looked at me funny and then Maria just says  "Girl, we ain't dying what you acting so sad for? Well I am the smart one so I don't know about David.." I giggled at her, and I just shrugged. David just made a death glare at her.

I don't know why I felt so emotional. I patted them on the back, and then walk down the stairs while they say goodbye. I don't know why, but my gut is telling me I shouldn't leave, but I think it's just my anxiety, that's all. I find my mom washing the dishes, and I just wait for her to be done so I can go. She turns around, and tears up.

"My little baby! All grown up now.. still no boys though! Until I am dead, and you know your grandma and grandpa died in their 100's." She laughed.

I laughed and respond "Of course mom, I would never! May we please go now?"

She nodded and then she grabbed her keys and then we walked to the car. It was 30 minute drive so I put on Bauhaus, and my mom called me emo. I felt offended since it's goth, not emo. I finally arrived, and I felt a little scared to be honest but i shook it off. I looked at my mom and started hugging her, she kissed me on my forehead, and kissed me on my forehead. We said our goodbyes and then she left. I'm finally here.


(Im literally screaming, this took me so long, which is one day. This just the beginning so no angst yet. I'm going try to work on this more since tomorrow i have off day cuz Canada decided to be on fire. God i haven't wrote in such a long time.)

(doing another note, Maria and David are fraternal twins.  They both are 11.)

Word count: 1190.

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