in da club

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(bold text=text)


I was nervous as soon as my mom left. I didn't know how to feel. I didn't know if my friends were here already so I decided to text them to see where they are at.
LUNAR: where you guys at

SALEM: im in alr, near the dj.

LUNAR: okk omw

KATE: srry guyz prob not coming til 12:((

SALEM: ughh how dre you cuntt

KATE: my ma is mking me clean da house b4 i go
I felt so scared walking in. The music was blasting in my ears, and everywhere was crowded. I tried to walk near the DJ, but people there were so touchy and pushy, I felt sick to my stomach. Luckily, I saw my friend Salem getting drinks. Did she try to trick me? The walk to bar was weirdly enough easy to go to. I finally got to the bar, but I was kinda confused because we are only 19, so why are at the bar? Salem noticed me, and motioned me a signal to sit down text to her.

"Hey Lunar... sooo you wanna get a drink?" She said in a tipsy tone.

My heart dropped. I didn't know what to say. I put on a fake smile and just saw there was only one guy here shockingly. I thought maybe I could just say the menu is pricy, because it is.

"I mean.. 20 dollars for a drink..? I like the idea but the money.." I lied straight at her face.

"Who needs money when you have men...? C'mon, there is a dude right behind you, go ask him!" She slurred.

"Fine, I'll do it." I mumbled.

She was laughing, while I turned around to see the hottest guy ever. He had short fluffy hair, arched eyebrows, sad puppy eyes, with a chiseled jawline, he had a red jacket with a white tee underneath. I blushed as soon he looked at me. Usually I cover my left eye due to my heterochromia iridium, but I revealed it by accident. As soon as I revealed my left eye, he looked like he fell into a trance.

"So, uh, you look pretty." He said in a husky voice.

I blushed and replied sheepishly "Thank you, and you too!"

"Want a drink?" He asked.

I didn't know how to respond, but Salem nudged my back, trying to make me say yes. I don't really trust him, but I always fall into peer pressure.

"I mean if you want too.." I mumbled.

"James, can you get me a Passionfruit Martini? Make it two." The guys said, while giving the bartender 40 bucks.

"Of course, Lucas." James, the bartender said.

I didn't know what to do, never in my life I drank anything alcoholic, maybe just a sip, but not the whole thing. Salem was giggling like a drunk, which I think she was. For some reason, he was just gazing at me, at my eyes. He look liked he was hypnotized. I was perplexed on why he was just lost into my eyes, on why he liked them so much. His trance was broken when James gave us our drinks. I felt timid knowing there is no backing out now, so I took a sip.

It was addicting.

I immediately took another sip, and then another sip. I chugged it down, even you are not supposed to. It was flavorsome, and I was in awe. Lucas chuckled at me.

"Have you ever had acid?" Lucas quizzed me.

I felt sketchy but I was tipsy, so I responded "Nope, why?"

"Want to try?"

I looked at him bewildered by his question. I felt my heart racing, and room was spinning. Salem was just recording me, not helping me. Maybe this is helping me, trying make me get out of my comfort zone. Fuck it.

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