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I wrote in my diary, "My name is Angeline Winslet. I'm 18 years old. Today is October 27, 2023."

What do I do with this? I don't know how to start this. I don't know what to do. I lay there on my bed and watch the leaves fall outside. It's beautiful, but it's like this every day here. I honestly can't get enough of it. I live in a mansion in the underpopulated part of the town of South Park, Colorado. I always hated this town because of all the chaos that went on, but it was honestly beautiful here.

Outside my window I saw a boy my age with messy blonde hair walk down the street with a black haired boy wearing all blue. I was mesmerized by the blonde for some reason. It can't be what I think it is, I've hardly fallen in love my whole life. Plus this is all so new to me, seeing this boy. I don't fall quick. I stared at him out the window for a while, and I didn't notice I was smiling.

He grabbed for the boy in blue's hand as he looked up at him and kissed him.

I closed the unfinished diary I bought and looked down at my floor. There goes that.

I finished writing. "I live in South Park, Colorado, although I absolutely hate it here. The weather's nice though."

I kept writing and doing other things to take my mind off of the boy I saw, but he kept circling around my mind. I usually forget about people after I see them, but this one stuck with me. I wished he was there with me. I had never really fallen in love like this before. I never saw him again for the rest of the night, except for in my dreams. He haunted me for the longest time, with me tossing and turning around in my bed. I wondered about what his name was, who his parents are, what his voice sounds like, his favorite color, his favorite movie, etc. I bet he's with that one guy he was with when I saw them. Part of me hopes they're happy, but the other half of me wants him all to myself. The boy in blue was also on my mind, but not how the blonde was. I felt jealousy towards him.

I grabbed a pillow and held it, picturing it as the mysterious blonde boy. He was on my mind all night. An elegant, beautiful, independent woman like me shouldn't depend on a man for my sanity. But we're here in life. I was always taught to never rely on a man for my happiness and worth, but he changed something in me.

"Go to sleep." I told myself. "It'll be fine."

Yet I kept tossing and turning. I finally fell asleep with him still on my mind, sadly. I had never experienced anything like this before. It's exciting, but yet stressing.

Maybe I do want a man in my life, and it might be him.

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