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I woke up the next morning as I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I forgot about the mysterious boy for a while, until I opened up the diary and found my entry about him. I read it as I zoned out and smiled, thinking about how I saw him yesterday.

"Miss Winslet." I heard a voice say. I instantly closed my diary in shock. I looked up to see a servant of my family's tapping his foot with a tray in his hand. "Your breakfast in bed, madam."

"Jesus Christ! Don't scare me like that!" I mindlessly yelled. I can be quite jumpy at times, and I freak out a lot. I've been told it's not very ladylike of me, but I can't control it.

"Well, I bring you this every day, Miss Winslet. " he sat the tray in my hands. "Don't get so spooked about it."

I forgot to say, I'm the princess here. You're probably thinking, "what's a beautiful, elegant princess like you doing in this white trash park where nothing but chaos ensues?", and to be fair, I don't remember how I ended up here. There's a princess living in a junky town in Colorado, and it just had to be me. People always pass by my castle and not expecting it to be here. Or they think it's a new haunted house or something.

I looked out the window for him again, and it took me a while, but there he was. I recognized him from his hair, face and clothes. I jumped out the window silently and followed him. It seemed weird, and I really don't know why I did it. He didn't notice me the whole time, so I followed him to wherever he was going.

I saw him text this guy on his phone, and their texts seemed sorta romantic. I wished that the other person on the line was me. How lucky they must feel to be his, I would never take it for granted. The picture on the contact looked like... the blue boy. It was him. The contact name read as "Craig 😘🤞", which is a very silly name for a young adult like him. It sounded like the name of an old uncle who would tell tall tales every Christmas, or maybe I'm just specific with my stereotypes. I read him and this so-called "Craig"'s text messages back and forth, knowing he'd never love me like this, I'm just a stranger to him.

I bet I'd be one of those girls who dates a stranger she loves for a few days, then they break up and they lose contact and the boy forgets about her. I know because I dated a boy like that. I asked him out without ever talking to him before this, and he said yes to me, and we talked and dated for a few days, but we broke up in the end, and we haven't spoken since, which lead him to forget all about my existence. Mother said she knew not to let another man into my life after that. I looked up at the blonde, wondering if he's worth it or not, or if he's going to end up like him.

Well, first, I'm not gonna leap in like I did last time, I wanna get to know him first, so we can grow close. The bad thing is, I'm terrible at talking to men, and I was never really experienced on them. I was always raised with ladylike things, with a ladylike attitude, and I never had time for what a man would be like. Perks of being a princess. I'm thinking of running away from the castle, to live my own life, and to not be kept by royalty my whole life. I always wondered what the park was like, I almost never got out of the house, unless it was for balls or ceremonies, which you barely see every day if you visit South Park. I saw him open up his Spotify, his username reading Tweexx, which sounds like the name of a SoundCloud rapper. He clicked on a playlist that read as classical musiccc ✨✨✨, so we have the same music taste. The first song that came on was Clair de Lune, L. 32, composed by Claude Debussy. A beautiful choice.

He sent the song to Craig and they both talked about classical music for a while. I'd love to rant to him about it too. Striking a long lasting conversation with him has been in my mind for some time.

The boy finally walked into a small coffee shop named Tweek Bros, this place is far too familiar to me. I go here every autumn and winter for coffee or hot chocolate. He walks through the door that reads employees only, and walks over to the man who ran this place. I knew him, his name was Richard Tweak. My mother always had things against him, his family and mine never really got along. My mother refers to him and his family as "traitors", because Richard's grandpa cheated on my grandmother with someone who my family refers to as a "dirty slut". I believe Richard's family has changed, and he should have mercy for things he never even did. Yet my family still goes to war with the Tweaks.

Which is why his coffee shop is like my way of escapism. I come here knowing damn well my family would put me in the dungeon for it. But nobody has to know. I come here to relax and to get away from the life of royalty for a while; I'm kinda getting sick of it. I wish I was normal. I tell Richard about the scoop of things; and he knows it's not any of our faults about the feud.

I peeked through the door, watching the handsome blonde boy walk up to Richard. Does he work here or something? It's kinda bad that the boy has relations to the family mine is at war with.

"Dad, I'm back." the boy puts on his job uniform -- wait... Dad????

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