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That's his dad??!! Richard Tweak, the owner of Tweek Bros, and the grandson of a cheater to my grandmother, is the blonde's dad?!??

"Good, son." he said as he put a hat on his head. "Get out there and run this family business. We gotta get back at the Winslets."

Wait. So this was all just a scheme to show we're wrong about his family?? I'm confused.

The boy and Richard walked out the door as I sat down. Rich saw me and walked over to me in shock. "You didn't hear anything I said to my son, right?" he whispered.

"I did." I calmly nodded my head. "But I really don't give a shit."

"Would you like to order anything while you're here?" he asked.

"I'll take a hot chocolate."

Richard looked over at his beautiful son and snapped his fingers. "Son, one hot chocolate for Angeline."

"Ok, dad." he saluted with a trembling voice.

"That's your son?" I asked, although I already knew.

"Yes, his name is Tweek." Tweek Tweak. What a creative name /s

"So his first name is his last name?" I asked.

"Yes," Richard sipped his coffee. "but spelled different. His first name is spelled with ee, and you know how his last name is spelled."

"Can I tell you something?" I whispered to Richard.

"Sure." He put his coffee down. "I'm all ears."

"Your son's pretty handsome." I whispered as I blushed.

"Oh, he is?" Richard grinned.

"I saw him pass by the castle yesterday for the first time and I thought about him for hours." I giggled.

"I'm surprised they didn't shoot him." Richard looked at me.

"What the fuck?" My jaw dropped.

"It seems like something your family would do." Honestly, it does.

"Anyways, your son was like the little charmer to my mind last night." I described in a way of me trying to be poetic, but failing miserably. "But don't tell him about my newfound love for him. It'll be our little secret."

"Yeah, he'll definitely think it's too much pressure!" He laughed. "Plus I think he has a boyfriend. He came out to me as bisexual last year saying he had a boyfriend."

"Is it the boy he was walking with yesterday?" I asked.

"Yes, it is. His name is Craig, Craig Tucker, that is." Now what kind of a name is that? Tucker sounds like the name of the Best New Country Singer or a truck driver. "Craig is a polite, handsome young man, and I'm glad I can trust him with my son's heart."

Richard noticed me starting to break at every word he said. I stared at the floor, with no expression. "Hey, Angeline, look at me." I look up at Richard, with the same blank expression on my face. "You'll find another boy who'll treat you well and that you'll fall deeply in love with, but right now, maybe Tweek just isn't the one for you. I'm sorry."

"Yeah, I'm fine." I shrugged it off. "I hope they're happy, I guess." Deep down, I hoped Craig could fall in a pothole!

Tweek came over with my hot chocolate and I grabbed it, and purposely held his hand as I looked into his eyes. "Thank you." I smiled.

He looks back at me. "Aww.. man..." he mumbled and then he ran off.

    "What does that mean?!" I perked up.

    "That he's not changing his mind anytime soon, now sit down and drink your hot chocolate." Richard put me back in my seat. "Listen, Angeline, I think you should really give up on Tweek, he's happy with his boyfriend, and maybe you'll be happy with your boyfriend when you get one." I wasn't listening to any of his bullshit, at least I'll keep dreaming, right? I was staring at Tweek making a cup of coffee for himself while he was on call with Craig.

    "GAH!" Tweek yelled as he dropped his phone into the empty coffee cup. "Really? No, it can't be true!Michael? Who's Michael? Ughhh, Craig, I hate you!" He angrily yelled as he hung up.

    I smiled, wondering if this was a chance for me to step in finally. Richard saw the look on my face and me rising from my seat and he pulled me back down and said, "Oh no, you don't, missy. They probably just got in a fight, it'll pass."

    Of course it will.

    "GAH!" he walked over to his father and I. "Me and Craig just broke up! For good! Oh man..." he started freaking out and pulling out his hair. "HE'S CHEATING ON ME! HE SAID SO!"

    "Son, it'll be alright." Richard tried to calm him down as I tried to figure out how the hell I'm gonna get Tweek with me now.

    "I mean, I guess it's easy for me to get over him." Tweek shrugged as I perked up at his words.

    "Well, there are many men and women out there that love you, I've heard." Richard hinted.

    "No, everyone at my school hates me." Tweek denied.

    "I'm being serious, son, there are customers here that are around your age that seem to be intrigued by you."

    Tweek gave his father a "wtf" look but shrugged it off.

    "How about I get you and Angeline a date together, and we'll see how things work out?" Richard grinned at his son.

"Wait, what?" Richard put me out of my seat and scooted me and Tweek together as him and I were freaking out.

"It'll be good for you two, since you're both single." Richard smiled and gave me a thumbs up. "This is what you wanted, Angeline." he mouthed.

Luckily I can read mouths. "Yeah, but this seems kinda awkward for him." I mouthed back.

"S-s-she's a Winslet!!! We're supposed to hate her family!!" Tweek pulled out his hair.

"Well, I'm very familiar with Angeline, and she's a woman you can definitely trust." Richard put his hand on my shoulder, which gave me a "😐" look on my face. I looked back behind myself to face him. "I didn't agree to this..." I whispered. Tweek was still freaking out about my family relation and him and Craig's breakup, so I didn't wanna rush things on him too soon, I wanted to see what would happen first before I made any moves.

"Ughhh... f-fine!" Tweek scoffed. "B-but only because you want this, dad." I could tell he didn't want this, and even I didn't either. I wanted us both to be happy. But I guess all's fair in forced love and forced relationships, right? /s


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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