Mr. Bartowski, You're Needed

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A/N: Hi. If you're new to AHT I hope you enjoy the read. If you're coming back for a reread, I hope you like the changes I made. Thanx to Cliff the grammar is much better. I have also made minor story changes. The story is still the same, but the flow is a little smoother.

To the military enthusiasts that may be reading this, I tried extremely hard to research the info I used, I just could not find certain specs, so I apologize if some of my numbers are off. What I couldn't find I adjusted to make my story work. I hope that doesn't ruin the story for you.

A Heart Torn

A Charah Tale

By Lord Rapier

Edited and guided by CliffM

Chapter 1

Mr. Bartowski, You're needed

The offices at Carmichael Industries Burbank were well appointed, but not ostentatious. The furniture in this particular office is more about comfort than style. This is the office of the Managing Partner, Charles Irving Bartowski, AKA Charles Carmichael himself.

Chuck's sadness weighs on him, no matter how much time has passed, he still hurts over losing the love of his life. His thoughts betray his sadness. Damn you Sarah, why can't I be enough? Having a successful cyber security company just can't heal a heart torn in two. Letting loose with a deep sigh, he wipes away a tear and digs back into the employment applications in front of him. Shaking his head he thinks, We're growing so fast. I can't keep enough operatives on staff.

Half a world away at CIA Station Naples, Sarah Walker is having similar thoughts. She can't seem to keep the tears in either. Every time she thinks of him, they come. He wanted us to be in Italy together. I screwed that up. God how could I have been so stupid? Shaw was an ass, and I almost threw away something wonderful for that ass. Then I did it myself. Here I am Station Chief in the very office Chuck wanted us to be in together. I tore apart the best team in the world because I'm a fool. I turned my back on the best man I've ever known because I'm an idiot. I'm the first female Station Chief in CIA history. Whoopee. He wanted me to give that up to have children with him. Why didn't I learn to trust his great instincts. Yep, I'm an idiot. History just doesn't seem to keep me warm at night.

Opening the Bartowski file, she checks on what he's up to. The CIA won't lose track of him. He may have given up on the agency, but he's proven himself too valuable. With or without the intersect, Chuck is a born spy. The Director is'nt going to let go of him, and that suits me fine. This way I can keep an eye on him without him knowing. Continuing to think to herself. Well, let's see what Mr. Bartowski has been up to. Business is booming, lots of government contracts. Hmmm new patents on virus potection software. Good for you Chuck, making me richer every day. The right thing would have been to sell out to him, but I wasn't willing to let go of my last connection to him. She continues flipping through the pages looking for something specific, ah here it is. Still single, no attachments.

As Chuck reads through the files, one catches his attention, and he bolts upright. Pressing the button on his intercom, "Mrs. Sawyer, I need my Head of Security in my office, yesterday. Hold all my calls, I don't want to be disturbed once he gets here."

A female voice comes back over the speaker, "On it, Mr. Bartowski."

As Chuck reads the file for the third time, his office door flies open and Colonel John Casey, USMC Retired runs into the room, gun in hand. Chuck looks up, "Shit, relax John it's not that kind of emergency."

Casey grunts and holsters his Desert Eagle .50 Cal. The gun is large, heavy, and barely hidden by his suit jacket. But as Casey is fond of saying, 'It may not conceal easy, but it'll stop a stampeding buffalo'. "What's up boss?"

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