Uh Oh A Spider Bite

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Ben: Peter Parker Wake up you're gonna be late for school!

Peter immediately wakes up after hearing his uncle yell out to him from outside his room.

Peter: I'm up, I'm up.

Peter answered, he got up and started changing from his pajamas into his school clothes. Peter then heads downstairs to eat breakfast with his uncle and aunt.

May: Good morning Peter how'd you sleep?

Peter's aunt asked before taking plates from the kitchen.

Peter: Pretty good May, and you?

Peter sat down and waited for May to hand the plates. May hands the plates to Ben and Peter then answer Peter's question.

May: I slept just fine Peter.
Peter: And you Uncle Ben?

Ben sigh before answering.

Ben: Not as well as May.

May sits down and they all start eating after some time Peter finishes and leaves the house and heads to Midtown High. As soon as Peter gets inside the school he is grabbed by the school bully Eugene Flash Thompson.

Flash: Hey Parker, did you bring me some lunch money today? Peter: Flash can we please not do this today and enjoy our field trip?

Flash tightens his grip and laughs.

Flash: You really think that because we have a trip I'll stop the daily routine, as if.

Flash's grip gets loose by Peter's best friend Harry Osborn arriving.

Harry; Let him go Flash, before something really goes down here.

Flash looks at Harry in confusion but let's go.

Flash: Who the hell do you think you are?

Flash then walks away and Harry grabs Peter and gets him up.

Harry: You good Pete?

Peter holds his arm where Flash grabbed him.

Peter: Yeah just Flash y'know the usual.
Harry: Yeah I know, I don't understand why you can't stand up to him.
Peter: You know why I'm not strong like you I can't do anything about it.
Harry: I won't be able to protect forever you know.
Peter: I know.

Peter and Harry then walk to class together and sit down waiting for the rest of the class to arrive and leave for the field trip.

Gwen: Alright everyone is here time to go.

Gwen Stacy class rep and Peter's crush. As she gets people ready for the trip Peter just blanks and stares at her.

Gwen: PETER!
Peter: What!
Gwen: Get in line.
Peter: Right sorry.
Gwen: And don't stare.

Peter becomes embarrassed.

Peter: Sorry.
Gwen: It's fine.

Peter gets in line next to Harry and Harry laughs at Peter.

Harry: Dude staring again.
Peter: I can't help it, she's so beautiful.
Harry: So you keep telling me, when are you gonna ask her out?
Peter: What, are you crazy she'd never go out with me.
Harry: Not if you don't talk to her.
Gwen: Alright everyone we're ready to go start going down the hallway and stop at the exit of the school.

The class starts walking down the hallway and stops at the exit of the school. After some time a teacher walks to them and signals the class to continue to the school bus.

Peter: Finally we're going to the greatest experience of science.
Harry: Sure Pete it's really not that exciting.
Peter: To you and that's only because your dad is the CEO of the place you've probably been there dozens of times.
Harry: More.
Peter: Amazing don't spoil it for me though.
Harry: You got it.

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