Royal Problems

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"I know! We can't believe it either! The map has never called us before!" Starlight says excitedly as the group sees hers and Alexis's cutiemarks hovering over the map.

"I'm sure that's not why she looks... like that." Spike says.

"Actually it is. Well it's that and the fact that you're both being called to the royal palace! I mean what in Equestria could be going on there?! You want me to come with you?! No. I shouldn't. The map just called the two of you for a reason right? Heh. Though maybe it's a mistake. Not because of you! Because it's never called you two before." Twilight says as Alexis and Starlight give nervous looks.

"We also wasn't nervous before but now..." Starlight says nervously.

"Yeah. That's a lot of pressure on just two ponies." Alexis says.

"Don't worry. For all we know it's something small. Like maybe the cooks are fighting over who has the best butternut squash soup. Or the royal hairdressers are fighting over a comb." Twilight says nervously.

"Or you know maybe the Royal sisters are seeing eye to eye on something." Spike says.

"No! That's just crazy! Luna and Celestia would never fight... Again." Twilight says nervously.


"So the map sent you to solve a friendship problem?" Celestia asks as Alexis and Starlight are standing in front of her and Luna.

"Yes your majesties." Alexis says.

"Well there's nothing wrong here. Right sister?" Celestia asks as she looks at Luna.

"No. Everything's perfect as usual sister." Luna says sourly before Alexis and Starlight give nervous looks.


"Do you hear something?" Alexis asks as she and Starlight hear a noise once in their room in the castle before finding a small version of Twilight as a ballerina dancer on a music box.

"Twilight?" Alexis and Starlight ask in union.

"Is that you? How are you here?" Starlight asks curiously.

"I'm not. I'm still home. It's an easy spell. I'll show you later. Anyway enough about me! I had to check on you. Not in a meddling way. In a friendly how's-it-going way. So how's it going?" Twilight asks nervously.

"Not great unfortunately." Alexis says as she and Starlight look at each other.

"We think the problem might be between Celestia and Luna!" Starlight says.

"Oh no! That's terrible! I mean... What makes you say that?" Twilight asks.

"You know how someponies say nothing's wrong but you can tell something's definitely wrong?" Starlight asks.

"No." Twilight says nervously as he gives a fake smile.

"That's basically what the princesses did when we said there was a friendship problem." Starlight says.

"Except the way they did wa more in a royal way." Alexis says.

"I wish I could help you but I can't. Both for map reasons and because I have no idea. This is big. Like really big. But I'm here if you ever need to talk. Or listen to music! Comforting right?" Twilight asks as she spins making music.


"Thank you so much for breakfast Princess!" Starlight says as she and Alexis are at a table with Celestia eating some pancakes with fruit faces.

"Yes. Thank you. This is amazing. Im amazed you made all this by yourself. Seems like a lot of work for one pony." Alexis says.

"Of course. It is a lot but I really enjoy doing it. It's a small way to say I care. Good morning sister! Join us?" Celestia asks as Luna comes in tiredly.

My Shining Star My Little Pony FIM: Luna X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now