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"I love you sister." Celestia says.

"I love you too." Luna says as Alexis and Starlight walk over to the sisters..

"So this was real! Or was it not real and this just happened now and not in my dream? I'm so confused." Starlight says confusedly

"Ditto." Alexis says confusedly as the sisters laugh.

"It's all real. It was the right call going with your gut." Celestia says as she and Luna walk over.

"The map was wise to send you both. Nopony else would have been so bold as to do what you did. Or been as kind and patient to help us both and work so well as a team." Luna says.

"That's a nice way of saying we came dangerously close to messing everything up." Starlight says nervously.

"It was just what we needed. The experience has made us closer than ever." Celestia says as the group see the princesses cutiemarks switch back before Alexis and Starlight's cutiemarks begin to light up.

"What's going on? Were not doing this." Alexis says.

"I believe that one means your mission is complete." Celestia says as she smiles.

"Wow. I can't wait to tell Twilight!" Starlight says happily.

"I know. She's gonna be so proud." Alexis says as she smiles before Twilight appears.

"I already know! I mean I don't know everything. I just got here to bring you your toothbrushes. So this is just a friendly visit not interfering because I was worried! I wasn't. I knew you could do it and I'm so, so, so, so proud of you both! Tell me everything. Start from after I hyperventilated and don't leave out any details!" Twilight says excitedly as she makes a quill and parchment appear before dragging an unamused Alexis and Starlight away.

*3 Months Later Timeskip*

"Thank you again Alexis for offering to help me once in a while. It truly means a lot." Luna says as Alexis is helping her line the walls with lavender.

"And the same to you Luna." Alexis says.

"It's a lot of work but I like when we work together. It gives me much needed company." Luna says.

"Agreed." Alexis says happily.

"Oh and by the way I have a question for you." Luna says.

"Yes?" Alexis asks curiously.

"This dream I saw you have a while back. It involved the two of us... we were on a picnic together." Luna says as Alexis gives a nervous look.

"Oh.. uh it was nothing. I mean ponies have strange dreams all the time." Alexis says nervously.

"But most usually none that specific without reason." Luna says unconvinced.

"Oh okay. You caught me. I'm sorry Princess Luna." Alexis says as she sighs and looks down.

"Why are you apologizing? I enjoyed watching the dream. It was... comforting and pleasant." Luna says as Alexis looks at her in surprise.

"Really?" Alexis asks in surprise.

"Yes. Not many wish to spend time with me as much as my sister. But I would like to know why you had it." Luna says.

"The reason I had it isn't exactly formal." Alexis says as she gives a guilty look.

"Explain please." Luna says.

"Well you're a princess and I'm not. I'm just a common pony." Alexis says sadly.

"Oh please Alexis. You are far more than that. At least to me you are." Luna says as she smiles.

"Really?" Alexis asks as Luna nods and smiles.

"Yes. I really like you." Luna says.

"I really like you too Luna." Alexis says.

"Hmm. How about tomorrow night we make that dream a reality? Just the two of us?" Luna asks as she smiles.

"Are you sure?" Alexis asks.

"It won't hurt to take one night off. Especially if it means I can spend time with my favorite pony." Luna says happily.

"I'd really like that." Alexis says as she and Luna nuzzle each other.

"And besides you can always help me make up the work another time." Luna says.

"No complaints there." Alexis says happily as she chuckles.

My Shining Star My Little Pony FIM: Luna X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now