Movie nights

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Requested by: Zlurpii

- He prefers to watch Sci-FI, action and dramas.

- He likes to let you lean on his shoulder or his chest while he holds you throughout the movie. If he needs to get up, he will let you know because he's blunt like that.

- His favorite snacks to eat during the movie are chips and sour candies.

- He finds it cute when you get invested in the plot. He enjoys listening to your rants.

- Afterwards, depending on the plot, you both get into debates about what the characters did and what you both would do in the situation they're in.

- He has trouble deciding on the movie, but he likes to watch romantic comedies, and action films.

- He likes to wrap his arm around you and hold you close when you watch movies with him.

- Sometimes he will suggest a horror movie just so you can get scared and he can cuddle and calm you down. It makes him feel good to be protective of you.

- He makes sure you're as comfortable as possible, so he brings a lot of pillows and blankets.

- Of course, Duncan is into action, horror and thrillers. He wants to be hyped up during the movie.

- He finds it cute when you get scared. He puts his arm around you, and kisses your forehead. "Don't worry, beautiful. You're safe with me." He'll tease you afterwards though.

- He likes to snack on chips and beef jerky.

- When you fall asleep during the movie, he puts a blanket over you and carries you to bed.

- Courtney likes Crime dramas and romance movies (Even if she won't admit she's into romance).

- She likes to lean on your chest and play with your hair. Sometimes this makes you fall asleep during the movie, which she finds so cute!

- It's hard for her to focus on the movie sometimes because she has reminders on her phone on things she needs to do.

- "Y/N," give me back my phone!" Courtney whined.

- "No, babe. You need to allow yourself to relax."

- Courtney would pout for the first twenty minutes you have her phone but will relax and cuddle you the whole time.

- Alejandro likes romance, action and drama films. Sometimes he would also be up for comedy if he needs a good laugh. His laugh is contagious.

- He likes to hold you in his lap when you get sleepy in the middle of the movie.

- If a scene gets heated in a romance film, he would want to make out.

- Sometimes the romance films give him ideas for more dates. That sort of can explain why your dates can be the cheesiest.

- Heather likes to watch films like mean girls, and other types of dramas. She's also into romance and 'Feel good' movies.

- She wants to cuddle you throughout the movie but won't tell you that. You'll have to cuddle her first.

- Heather gets invested towards why the characters make the decisions they made. She'll keep asking questions throughout the movie and point the flaws out. You learned to just let her rant.

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