When you're sick

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Requested by: Emwritesforaliving



     Noah gets very concerned, and will keep making sure you relax and to not stress yourself out over work or school. He lays you in bed, then does everything he can to take care of you. He cleans your room, feeds your pets, and makes you meals. He also helps you take your medicine, then lays blankets over you and a cold washcloth on your forehead.


   Cody is so sweet. He insists on taking care of you, while you rest because it worries him to see you unwell, whether that's physically or emotionally. He isn't the best at organizing your room or giving you the right food to eat, but he does his best, which you always appreciate.


     Duncan is unsure of how to take care of you, but he tries to help you make the most of it. He puts on your favorite cartoons, then buys you a lot of your favorite snacks, and some Tylenol. He likes to sleep beside you to make sure you're okay, even if he might end up getting sick as well.


    Courtney is very responsible, so she knows almost exactly what to do. She comes over every day to take care of you. She puts a wet washcloth over your head, takes your temperature and feeds you soup. She tries to make sure you rest, so you wouldn't make it worse. Courtney likes to take charge when it comes to making sure you're okay.


    Alejandro takes care of you by making sure you rest and he makes all kinds of food and home remedies to make you feel better. He sings until you fall asleep, then he kisses your forehead before letting you sleep. Afterwards, the next morning he'll say things such as, "I hope you feel better soon, my love."


    Heather gets annoyed that you're sick because she misses you and wants to spend time with you. She doesn't show her annoyance though, since she does feel bad that you're too unwell to go on dates. She tries to make you feel better by dropping off hair products, a manicure and pedicure set, and some lotions to help you treat yourself. She sends a texts every now and then to ask if you feel better yet.


    Emma gets so sad when you're sick because she worries a lot and wants to spend time with you. She's the type to hate going days without you. She misses you very easily. On the day you do get better, she gets so excited to see you that she keeps hugging you.
     When you're sick, Emma calls you on the phone or video calls you to check if you're okay. Sometimes she'll come over and prepare a lot of soup to take care of you then will regularly check your forehead if it's too hot.


    Kitty insists on coming over to help you, but you tell her no because she might wake you up when you're trying to rest. Kitty is the type to do a lot of cleaning but it keeps making noise that wakes you up.


    Mike gets anxious when you're sick because he doesn't know if it will get worse or not. He keeps asking if you're okay, if you feel any better and if there's anything he can do.
   When he comes over, he hugs you tightly and covers you with blankets. Then he tidies up your space and makes you your comfort foods. When he takes care of you, he feels more assured that he's able to be there for you.


   Mal tries to hide the fact that he's worried but he is. He gets nervous to show his soft side. When you're sick, he checks on you at your house by dropping off food, and warm blankets. He will stay by your side until you feel better, but will occasionally walk around your house out of curiosity and go through your things.
    Mal would also make sure that no one bothers you for unnecessary things, and will get mad if people try to put more on your plate than you already have.


     Scott insists he knows what he's doing but he doesn't. He overdoes the soup, doesn't know how to clean well, and he buys you too much junk food. You know he means well but you wish he could just let you rest instead of doing things to 'cheer you up.'


    Trent stays by your side until you feel better. He comes over often, and does everything he can to take care of you and make sure you're getting rest. Like Alejandro, he will sing you to sleep, and will make sure the room isn't too hot or cold so you can rest well.


    Gwen would be worried, and would keep asking if you're okay and if you're sure you're okay. You always have to reassure her that you'll be okay and it's just a fever. She will make you a playlist of songs to listen to until you get better.


     Sammy does a lot to take care of you such as preparing your medicine, making food and cleaning your house. Sometimes she gets scared she isn't doing enough, but you assure her she's doing just fine. Sammy loves you and tries to make sure she's a great girlfriend, and that includes her taking care of you when you're sick.


     Jen mopes a lot when you're sick that Tom laughs at her. She is used to you being around a lot that she gets upset when you're not there. She buys you little gifts to make you feel better like stylish "Sick day" outfits and some self care items to treat yourself while you're indoors. 


    Mickey gets worried, but realistically he can't do much to help you because he will get sick as well. He gets sick very easily due to his many medical conditions. However, he will FaceTime you and talk to you until you are able to fall asleep. He assures you that you will be okay soon and he loves you.


    Like Mickey, Jay gets extremely worried because of his own experiences with getting sick. He knows your fever isn't as bad as when he gets fevers, but he still worried. He is unable to help you a lot, because he will get a more severe fever than you if he catches it, but he will drop off things to make you feel better like blankets, stuffed animals and snacks.


    Jo cares for you a lot, and will check on you every day you're sick. She calls you on the phone once a day to make sure you're getting rest, and will make sure no one else bothers you. If anyone calls you during your sick days to hang out or if they need a favor, she gets extremely irritated and will tell them off.


   Brick gets way too worried and will keep asking questions such as: "Are you okay? Do you need anything? Is it serious?" Afterwards, he will come over to your house to check on you and help you with chores and make you soup. He makes sure you're taken care of on the days you're unwell.


     Eva is unsure what to do because she's never had to take care of anyone before. The most she does is check on you every hour, and gives you cold drinks to make you feel better. She does worry about you a lot, she just doesn't know how to approach it.


   Geoff gets very bummed out when you're sick because that means you can't go to games or parties. He visits you almost everyday to drop off cough drops and snacks. He also tries to make your sick days less boring by dropping off puzzles, games, and other activities. He knows how boring being sick can be.


    Justin just knows how to sweep you off your feet. Literally, too. He carries you to your room, and rubs your back when you have body aches. He also plays calming music, and prepares warm baths to soothe you.

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