Chapter 2

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Hour 18

Maya jolted due to someone gently rubbing her awake.

"Maya? I'm sorry to wake you up but I have to check your vitals." Carina felt terrible that she had to wake up the blonde, but was also ecstatic that she got to wake up the blonde.

Maya quickly adjusted herself to get a better view of what the doctor was doing. "It's no problem, really."

Now that Maya wasn't distracted by the adrenaline and sedatives, she was able to get a much better look at the doctor. She noticed that the doctor's skin was olive toned, and she had a little freckle under her lip. Maya saw that her nose is kind of like a button nose, just a little longer, and it curves up a bit, giving her the perfect nose shape.

Carina noticed that a pair of piercing blue eyes were staring her down, so she made a risky comment, just to make sure that she wasn't interpreting it wrong.

"Do you like what you see bella?" The Italian knew that she was possibly harming their doctor-patient relationship, but she liked to take risks, even a risk as big as one.

Maya's face was instantly red as a tomato, because she wasn't expecting to get caught. "Um- I was just um- I-" Maya had no idea what to say, because she had no clue that the Italian was paying attention.

Carina laughed at the sight in front of her, not expecting the blonde to become so blushed. "I'm so sorry Maya, did I offend you in any way?"

"No, no not at all, I was just shocked that you realized that I was looking at you," Maya really didn't want to mess up now that Carina had acknowledged her, but she didn't know what to say. Maya changed the subject before her thoughts found their way to her vocal cords. "So... you told that I have a mass on my left ovary?" The blonde has already had a captain who died of cancer, and she didn't want to be a lieutenant that died of cancer.

"Based off of the scans, it is benign, but like I said I would like to keep you under supervision just in case it becomes a problem. This should resolve itself within a few weeks, and it really shouldn't be a problem if you ever want to carry a child." Maya winced at the last part of the doctor's statement, since she knew she ideally didn't want to have any kids.

"Thank you so much Dr..." Maya felt really bad that she forgot her name, especially because she could remember everything else about the doctor.

"Deluca. Dr. Carina Deluca. It's ok bella, not many people remember my name." The blonde was curious as to what "bella" meant, but she was definitely going to try to stick around the brunette long enough to find out.
— — —
Hour 22

"Hey Andy! What's up?" Maya didn't know how Andy felt after what happened at the scene, so she decided to keep it cool.

"You ran in. You ran in to an unstable building after I gave you explicit orders not to. And now you're in a hospital. Typical, typical Maya Bishop."

Even though the blonde was kind of expecting this, she still had no clue what to say. "I'm sorry, ok? I was in my head, and you know how my dad raised me. Ey-"

"Eyes forward at all times. I know, you told me. But that's not how your family raised you. We raised you to be kind. My dad," Andy got choked up at this part, but kept going, "my dad raised all of us to take breaks, be hardworking, to take care of each other. But as your captain, hell, as your BEST FRIEND, I can tell which dad you decided to take after." At this point, tears were flowing down both women's faces. "Maya, as your captain I have asked around and I have been able to give you an extra week off after your initial recovery. Recover a little more, find a nice girl, relax, just use this time wisely. As your best friend I will be by your side anytime that I can to help you relax, but for the next few weeks, those two can under no circumstances mix. Got it?"

Maya was sobbing now, because she had never had a friend so this for her. "Got it."

"New topic, I heard a little rumor that you have a crush on a certain brunette doctor." Andy changed the subject before more waterworks came, and it seemed to work just fine.

"Shhh, she might be outside. Quiet down. Wait, now that I think about it, it's kind of weird that she hasn't checked on me since this morning." Maya admitted.

"How long has it been since she last checked your vitals, or whatever doctors do?" If Andy's best friend was not receiving proper healthcare, she needed to know so she could talk to Dr. Bailey about it.

"4 hours, 50 minutes, and around 23 seconds." Maya answered.

Andy looked at Maya cluelessly, because there was no way she gave the exact time of how long it had been since the doctor had checked her. "Maya Bishop, I think you are in love."

Maya blatantly ignored the Latina's statement, only because she knew that it was most likely true.

At the station, she was known for being "monogamy is for the weak Bishop", due to her hookups every Wednesday night, and maybe the fact that she stated it while drinking a bottle of beer with Andy and Vic.

"She'll most likely be here at five hours." Maya reported.

"Well, since we have 9-ish minutes left, tell me everything you like about her."

Maya was weary to begin at first, but the words came to her so fast that she couldn't help but say them out loud.

"Everything about her is just beautiful. She has a perfect nose, and perfect doesn't even begin to describe it. There's a little freckle under her lips, on the left side though. Oh my gosh, her lips. I know this might sound weird, but she has kissable lips. They're the perfect size and they curve at the exact right place. She smiled today, and I swear the room got three times brighter, I'm not even joking. Her teeth are perfect when she smiles, and that's something big for me to say because I've seen some good smiles in my life. She's got these gorgeous brown eyes, I haven't seen someone pull off brown eyes like her. Ummm, what else. Oh! Her skin is tan, but not a summer tan, more like her natural skin tone tan. It reflects off the light from when it's bright outside, making her look like she's glowing. She looks like an angel."

"Are you done yet, bec-" Andy tried to warn her best friend, but she was so lost in her fantasy world that it was impossible.

"One more thing, I promise. She called me 'bella' earlier this morning, and I have literally no clue what it means, but it's such a beautiful word and I want to figure out what it means from her, not from my phone. I want to be with her to learn what it means, and not just as friends."

"Maya! Snap out of it!" Andy was too late. She had already heard too much.

"Why? What happened?" Maya turned around to see a tall, brunette woman at the door, and she immediately knew that she was in big trouble.

a/n- uh oh! what did maya do now... if i post this it means im continuing the story ;) ALSO IM SORRY ABT THE SHORT CHAPTERS PLS DONT KILL ME

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