The Next President Of The United States Is...

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After all the hard work and time spent in the campaign, the election was closing and the citizens of The United States were soon going to find out who the next President was going to be for the next four years of everyone's lives.

Olivia, Cyrus and a few team members made some calls in the campaign room, reminding people and telling them why Fitz would be a great President for this country. Liv hung up the phone and sighed deeply, crossing the name off her notepad, Fitz walked in the room and leaned against the wall, watching everyone but mainly Livvie, she was wearing a pants suit and was looking very hot like always.

She made her last phone call before standing up and walking to the coffee machine in another room, Fitz quietly followed her and stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her and started kissing her neck. She gasped quietly and tilted her head for him, "Fitz.. this is so risky" she whispered and chuckled, "I know" he whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

She licked her lips and grabbed her mug, walking away from him before anyone saw them, he followed her again and sighed, putting his hands in his pockets, "Livvie.. I miss you" he leaned in closer to her and put his hand on her lower back, "I miss you too Fitz" she whispered and took a sip of her coffee as they entered the campaign room again. She sat back down on the couch across from Cyrus, Fitz took a seat next to her and crossed his legs while leaning back.

Fitz and Cyrus talk about the campaign and what they were going to do if they lost the election, Liv listened as she played with the gold ring on her finger, sipping her coffee here and there. Cyrus soonly left, leaving them alone in the room, they sat quietly, stealing glances once in a few seconds. He grabbed her hand and sighed softly, kissing it softly and kissing up her arm, her cheeks warmed up as she watched him, seeing how much he loved her, not just for her body but just.. her.

He looked at her and smiled brightly, making her smile back immediately, he pulled her closer and kissed her gently, they leaned their foreheads together as they stared into each other's eyes. "Today's the day" she whispered and caressed his cheek, "Today's the day" he repeated and nodded a little. Today was the day that they were going to find out if Fitz won the election or if Reston won, they were all nervous, even Fitz but he knew that no matter what he was going to be happy because he had Livvie by his side.

Later that night everyone gathered in the campaign room, circled around the TV as the votes were closing in, as the News Reporter announced that the last place to count votes was Defiance County, Ohio. Mellie, Olivia and Cyrus eyed each other before turning their attention back to TV. Fitz stood next to Mellie, holding her hand, wishing it was Livvie's hand in his, he was secretly hoping that he would lose so he can divorce Mellie and become Liv's husband, maybe even have kids with her.

"Here it is" Cyrus said and turned up the TV, the votes were in and everyone grew nervous, Livvie biting her lip and fidgeting with her gold ring. The News Reporter began to speak, "And the next President Of The United States is..."

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