Chapter One

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September 16, 2023Flashback

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September 16, 2023

There is an unexplainable tension in the air as I raise my hand to knock on the door. Mentally, I still need to prepare myself for this meeting.

Wedding planning is something that I enjoy, and I have worked with many nasty intolerable people, but none of them have ever pinched a nerve as much as Priya.

Her passive-aggressive and entitled nature makes me furious. There have been many times when I have wanted to sock her in the mouth, but both my professionalism and shyness get the best of me. I never go through with it.

But that never stops me from calling her unrepeatable names in my head.

Summoning my resolve, I take a deep breath and tap my knuckles gently against the door. The sound reverberates through the stillness of the house. Seconds stretch into a few more moments than I anticipated before the door peels open.

On the other side stands an exhausted bloodshot-eyed Harry. Dark circles paint the space underneath his eyes and the tip of his nose is red matching the flushed look on the rest of his face.

"Uh, hey..." I nervously speak, unsure of how to react to the sight before me.

"Marley? What are you doing here?" He asks. Harry doesn't even try to hide his emotionally distraught state.

"I was- we had an appointment talk about the wedding plans," I stutter. I fight back all the curiosity within me desperate to know what's got him feeling this way.

There have been many nights where I have cried and fallen apart. It happens much more than I'd like to admit—but Harry crying is nothing short of alarming. I don't know much about him since our relationship has never surpassed a professional standpoint, but I do know he is one of the most bubbly human beings I've ever met. That only means if he's crying, it must be serious.

"Oh, right. I forgot," He sniffles and his gaze falls to the ground. "I'm sorry for wasting your time but there won't be a wedding."

"What?" I ask.

"The wedding is canceled. Priya left me."

With wide eyes and a slack jaw, I stare ahead at Harry doing my very best to process the knowledge, but it seems to be taking longer than I anticipated because I can't bring myself to speak a word.

In retrospect, I am happy things between Harry and Priya didn't work out. She would have destroyed him in the end and Harry deserves so much better. One of these days he'll go out and find some girl who will give him all that he has ever wanted.

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