Chapter Four

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November 20, 2023Eleven weeks pregnant

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November 20, 2023
Eleven weeks pregnant

In a very short time, Rhory and I's apartment has gone from a cozy home to a warehouse full of boxes. The last three days have been spent going to and from our nearest Home Depot to get boxes for our things. So far, all of our creative decoratives, clothes, and personal necessities have been packed away with no set destination following our actual move-out day.

All day since I received that dreadful note, if I'm not packing, I'm googling lists of places that I can move into with the small amount of money that I have saved up. Unfortunately, everything in this world, especially in California, is insanely expensive and I can't find a place big enough for me and my things.

It's looking as if I'll have to stay at a hotel for a little while until I figure things out, but then I'd still have no place for my whereabouts. There is no way I can walk in there with a huge mattress and a full capacity of clothes. They'd probably kick me out or expect me to pay a huge fortune each night.

I genuinely don't think things could get any worse, but somehow admitting that feels like a crime because things always get worse.

"Marley, I have good news and some bad news." Rhory walks into my bedroom. Her honey-blonde curls fall to her shoulder and her green eyes look beautiful against her golden brown skin. She's dressed in a tight jean skirt with a white tank and a black leather jacket that pairs perfectly with her simple black combat boots.

Rhory is always stunning and if one were to see us on the street, they'd never guess the two of us had ever spoken. She's out of my league, and everyone who's ever seen us within close proximity would probably agree; however, what leaves her mouth quickly distracts me from her appearance.

Just as I'd predicted, things always get worse.

"What's the good news?" I ask, taping shut yet another box and placing it on the floor by my bed.

The click of her platform boots presses against the hardwood floor as she inches closer to me. "So, the good news is my boyfriend offered for us to move in with him and the bad news is that his apartment is even smaller than ours. We won't have enough space for all our belongings."

I would love to rip out all of my hair from the root right about now.

"Rhory, I appreciate the offer, but I don't think moving into a smaller apartment would be the best idea for me. We still have two days left and perhaps I'll find some other offer."

"Are you sure? I know it'll be tight but it could at least give you some time to find another place." She says softly, looking at me with a glint of pity behind her eyes.

I nod and continue to pack a few other of my things into another box. "I'm sure, Rhory. I'll be fine." I shoot her a forced smile.

"Okay," Rhory replies. "Well, if you need me, I'll be packing the rest of my boxes." With that, she exits out of my room.

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