𝟐. 𝐑 𝐄 𝐃 𝐁 𝐋 𝐎 𝐎 𝐃 ミ

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His body is crushing her, utmost. Running his finger all over her, he tries to mend on his mood, but failing. No response is coming from her side. He is feeling irritate, domination is like a beast captures him. He hovers, placing his lips on her face- forehead to neck, he nuzzles. Kiss is generally he doesn't give. He even never remember any night girl he has give. He just maintain the limited contact of intimacy.

"Scchmm", she sniffles.

His face detects wet surfaces on her face. Cheeks are highly moist, and the source is offcourse her two eyes, which has turned red and still dripping.

He straights. Taking his body back, he kneels on the bed supporting both knees. Detaching her body slowly, he looks at her.

"Are you crying?" He asks.

No reply comes from her. She lowers her face. With two fingers, she initially tries to pull over her fallen sleeves on her body, but, later, she stops.

He notices that.

"Are you okay?"

"S-sorry. I am sorry. I don't know that." She mumbles, keeping her head low.

Maybe, he could be angry, he could be full in rage, shouting and walking all over the room, breaking the objects, smashing the walls, blaming the girl, but looking at this girl, he doesn't feel to do so. He again and again looking at her. A hour ago, he was feeling, he must need a girl to make him please for whole night, but, now, he is not wanting so. Nothing he is wanting now.

Two tear drops falls on his wrist.

"Hey hey hey", he holds close to him, clutching her arms, giving a red mark residue, result of his unknown toughness. He doesn't even getting any clue how to stop her.

"He like don't cry. I won't do anything." He uttered. Then, again, thinking back maybe he is terrifying her, he takes back his hands from her.

"N-no- you can do." She speaks. "I won't say anything- I am sorry -"

"Listen girl!"

"Sorry - sorry- Aunty will kill me. Do whatever you want-"


"I won't stop you- you can-"

"Shut up! Just shut up. Long time I am telling you, just listen to me." He slams his fist on the wooden headboard of the bed. Dragging first his body onward, then her body onto him.

She wraps her own arms around herself. Eyes are not blinking, limbs are trembling.

"What's your name?" Making her snuggle on his chest, he asks.

She stays silent first. Sheela aunty again and again taught her not to disclose name in front of any. "In this profession, neither you will utter your name to anyone, nor you will ask anyone's name." She said.

"Tell me. What's your name?"

"It's prohibited. I won't tell my name, and I won't ask your name." She murmurs.

"Who the damn is this making such prohibition? Tell?" He shouts.


"What S S-S your are uttering? If you ard dumb then also act to me. Wait- you can speak." Pressing his index finger on her chin, he lifts her head. "Speak now".

"Sasha-" she speaks in trembling voice. She is really scared to him now, and more scare to Sheela aunty. "This man is for overnight, but Sheela aunty is for lifetime. But, to listen Sheela aunty then also first I have to escape this man." She thinks, "This man is so rowdy, angry man, if he keeps gun and shoot me in this room, better telling the nick name than good name. And this nick names is known by all here too."

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