𝟑. 𝐇 𝐈 𝐒 𝐑 𝐀 𝐆 𝐄 ミ

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"Shame on you! Fie! Fiee!"

She sits on the corner of courtyard, pulling the pleats her blood drenched skirt on her lap.

"Oye oye! Who told you to sit? Huh?" The harsh woman's voice shout again. Her stick shine on the morning sunshine which she is holding high for another round of beating to Sasha.

Sasha slowly gets up. Blood running throughout her legs. Messy hair, teary eyes, still she is not uttering a single word or screaming. She knows, if she do any she will get more punishment. Around the courtyard of the brothel house, all the other girls are watching her, fearfully. They have no dare to say about anything or do protest. Amidst of that, the punishment of Sasha is going on. The fat woman, wearing black saree, metal ornaments, short open hair with colorful dye, and most eminently, the stick in her hand through which beating Sasha, the punishment continues. Her wrinkled face, dark make-up and a huge black bindi at forehead is making her appearance more deadly.

"So, he didn't pay you? Huh?" The woman asks while chewing some betel leaves and gives another few round of slap of stick on her back. "And why he will be? Don't you see what mess you have done? This is how you will work?"

Sasha sniffles. Her cramps are rising and moreover the beating in the name of punishment, she can't tolerate more. She falls on the ground.

"Sasha-" the woman grips her hair on her fat fist. Sasha screams aloud. "I told you not to spread mess. Get up! Get up!" She makes her rise by holding her hair. Holding her face, she slaps few more. "One month of training, another month of failure- not getting any client and lastly these— you know who was that man, and do you have any idea about that man's power?" She lifts Sasha's chin, "Wait," she pauses, takes a gasp and continues, "tell me first, are you able to satisfy that man?"

Sasha somehow stares at the woman. The orbs doesn't have any sympathy for her.

"I-I don't kn-ow" she says.

"You don't know! What that means?" The woman become furious. "This much you have grown up, and no sense about all these? Aree, if you don't understand all these what will feed you?" She holding the grip on her hair tighter pushes Sasha on the floor. "Stay there." Then, turning towards all the girls around, she declares, "She will stay here like this. If anyone here tries to help her, rescue her, even feed her, I will make sure her punishment also. Now go—"

All lowers their head and runs inside.

Sasha remain sitting on the floor. The woman too walks inside. The morning has starts to turn afternoon, but as per rule no one comes near her. She asks few time to give her a glass of water, she denies and even she doesn't give permission to bathe or clean herself. She accepting her fate, lies there. The cramps and pains are rising high.

"Sasha? Sasha—" a firm voice enters from the brothel door. Few girls walks out. Ignoring them, he walks inside. The loud sound of his leather shoe thrums around.

"Sashaa—" he shouts.

"Oye- why Sasha? I can be your maid too- umm!" A girl come near him, placing her hand on his coat cover chest, she hisses.

He jerks off his body making move her hand. Rolling his eyes he gives a anger look and pulls out the gun.

"Sashaa— come out!" He calls again.

The cramps overtaking her- All things turning black. Her body is plunging into ocean of pain. She is drowning. Everything blurring out - S-a-s-h-aaaaaa—
Something pushes her out. Her visibility coming back. On the blurry opposite— the man is walking towards her, calling her name— a bit if relief- she stretches her hand— is he real? She drags herself, more stretching of hand towards him—

A thrash of stick again fall on her hand. That woman become barrier between that man and Sasha.

"Sasha can't come, she isn't available now. Not only Sasha, anyone can't serve you at this hour of the day" she announces.

"Oh!" He smirks. Lifting his gun up, he fired two times.



"So you are Sheela aunty, about whom Sasha is talking about? Right." He laughs. "Do you know me who am I? Whom you are denying? No one ever tries me to look at my eyes, say anything in front of me, and here comes you who not only opposing me, but also saying no to me?" His left fist holds her neck. Tightening more and more, making her scream and cough, he continues laughing. With another hand, his gun points direct on her head.

For the first time, everyone see the fear on Sheela's eyes. She lows her head, and points her finger towards Sasha. "You can take her." She somehow says.

"Good!" He grins and escape Sheela from his grip. Her fat figure bangs on the ground. "I actually forgot to pay Sasha for last night. So as I come here- to pay!' he announces, and the eyes of Sheela glistens. "But now, I think, without paying her, I should take her directly to go with me."

"But she is—" another girl tries to come near him, with pity eyes for Sasha, she timidly utters.

"I know-" his eyes has not showing any rage shade now.

"Sasha, get up! Come with me—" He walks more close to her. With the support of her trembling hands, she lifts herself up, to stand, to look at him, and yes, she don't know why wanting to go with him.

The girl with pity eyes supports Sasha, with the indication of his eyes.

"Bring her to my car", he again instructs. She too, like obedient students bring Sasha on his car, following him.

Sasha settles on the car, on the front seat, beside him. Without wasting a single second he engined and leaves the brothel area. Her eyes are still observing him. That same ruffling of hair on his forehead, elevated nose, sharp jawline, curved lips, fine beard throughout the chin. He with his active fingers, adjusting the seat belt over her. He tries to be careful, but his movements are very very tough.

"Who are you?" Sasha asks. "Why everyone is so scared from you?" Her doe eyes fixes on him. Her voice is so innocent and calm, he never heard before. He is surprised, wondered. His brown orbs peeps on her black eyeballs.

He feels everything on his hand is loosing out.

He feels everything on his hand is loosing out

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