Chapter 1

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It was a dreary day once again on my parents estate. The soft tapping of the rain against my bedroom window calmed my nerves as I tried to take my mind off what was to happen this day. forced to marry a man I do not know, all so my family could have the money they thought they deserved. I take a look out the window only to see a carriage draw near. before I'm forced back into the moment as the strings of my corset are tied so tight it felt like my bones would break. I look back at my maid Hilda, an older woman with a deeply tired expression and a tall thin frame. She had taken care of me since I was a small child and though she couldn't stop my mothers treatment of me I know she still cares.

"Do we have to tighten it so much Hilda?" I ask quietly, trying to convey the unease with my expression alone. Lest my mother hear. "Could you loosen it just a little please?" Hilda hesitates for a moment looking guilty before she loosens it a bit lessening my pain if only slightly. Before she quickly helps me into the high collared dress that my mother has decided I must wear. As she does, I question if I should voice my concerns or not. After all it is no secret that I do not wish to go through with this marriage.

"Hilda" I start slowly gazing down at my hands clasped in front of me. "Must I really marry someone that I've never met? Hilda gives me a sympathetic look but has time to answer. I hear a gasp and a familiar high pitched laugh from my doorway. "For heaven's sake Y/N?!" my mothers cruel voice cuts through the quiet atmosphere in my room "You act as if you have a choice in the matter'. she says smugly a nasty grin on her freshly painted lips before tilting her face up to look down her nose at me "do you think your father and I had a choice?'' She asks in a tone of disgust looking back at father who was now standing in the doorway.

"You must have liked one another" I say weakly, unable to look her in the eyes "even just a little bit?" I finish in a whisper, my voice sounding unsure even to my own ears. My mother scoffed looking at me as if I was stupid. The anger at my wishes to go against her is clear on her face."Of course not Y/N," she said coldly "your father and I have never had anything of the sort." I could see my father nod from the corner of my eye with his ever present frown. "As for you" my mother continued "you were just a necessary addition that we needed to continue the bloodline." She finishes as she turns to leave. She stops at the doorway "oh and Hildegarde." she says without looking back "lace her up tighter, I can still hear her breath". She slams the door behind her. I cringe back and Hilda gives me a sad look before doing as she's told. I take a small pained breath before moving towards the window to look down as my future husband and his family walk towards the front door. Dread pooling in my stomach.


I stand at the top of the staircase listening to the conversation down below as my parents play nice with my future in-laws. It's obvious they don't want to scare them off,I peer over the railing and watch them all come together in an awkward ritual of handshakes, bows and air-kisses. My future husband stares off into space in an uninterested manner as if he wishes he could be anywhere else but our home.

Mother turns to the butler."James, we will take the tea in the drawing room." she says with a fake smile. she motions her hand towards the room "Shall we away Pastor Homes" the man smiles and follows Mother before she pauses at the archway "Oh and James" she says looking up towards the stairs as i move to hide."Make sure to tell that daughter of mine that her future husband is here." She says in a sickeningly lovely voice that doesn't suit her at all.

Married?!?(The Corps Bride AU)NB!Reader/Corpse!Wally(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now