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IT ALL BEGAN IN ROSEWOOD. the day had gone by and she was sitting in the hastings barn with her friends, waiting for alison to arrive.


"liv are you okay?" spencer asked.

this night had already been a disaster, she had gotten into a fight with her boyfriend 45 minutes prior to her arrival to spencer's barn.

"yeah i'm okay spence," olivia shrugged off the question and took a sip out of her coke.

the truth is, she's not okay. her and jason dilaurentis, yes her bestfriends brother. they got into a fight because he was drunk and she ended up leaving him there alone because she can't deal with it. she expected to leave the dilaurentis house without anyone seeing me but alison saw her.



she climbed through jason's window, jason always leaves the window open when she comes over so she just has to crawl inside and close it when she's inside.

"j, i'm here." she said as she sat down on his bed, sitting up against the headboard.

jason walked out the bathroom and sat down in front of her with a smile "hey babe," he leaned in to kiss her on the lips.

she kissed him back and she pulls away rather quickly. "god you reek jason," she said.

"i just had a few drinks." jason said.

"a few? you sure it wasn't more than a few?" she asked him with a concerned tone of voice.

"yes olivia, just a few beers and a couple of shots." jason said as he leaned in to kiss her again.

she put her hand on his lips to stop him from kissing her, "no jason, you're drunk." she told him as she got up from the bed.

"olivia you're being dramatic." jason told her, standing up and walking away from her.

she ignores him saying she's dramatic and she stands in front of him, "why'd you get drunk j?" she asked him, looking up at him.

"olivia i don't know, it just sort of happened. i didn't mean too and i don't need you getting on my ass for getting drunk." jason said as he looks down at her.

"i'm getting on your ass because i care about you jason," olivia said to him as her eyesight wandered his room seeing all the beer bottles and the bottle of jack daniels on his nightstand.

"liv you're being a hardass," jason told her as he pulled her in to kiss her again. "just be with me please. he told her.

she melted into the kiss but the light went off in her head and she pulls away "no jase," she said to him as she walked away from him as opens the door to his room. "talk to me when you're sober."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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