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This story was somewhat inspired by "Drarry - Bloody Hell" which is another story on Wattpad. This is my first story on Wattpad. Hope you enjoy. 

I awake to confusion, pain, and fear. My head throbs and makes it hard to focus. I feel something different and I open my eyes slowly, worrying about what I'll find. I'm covered in blood and it surrounds me in a place that seems vaguely familiar.

 In a jolt I realize I'm in my family's dungeon. My hands are chained together and something about the metal burns, but I only see a few marks, they're red and slightly swollen. As I look down at myself I realize I'm covered in blood. My confusion only grows as I feel no pressing pain of injuries other than the burning at my wrists, but that was nowhere near enough to cause this much blood. I try to think back. How did I end up here? An image of the Dark Lord appears in my mind and I shudder slightly. He was even more terrifying than I had originally been led to believe or that my imagination could have conjured up. 

His snake-like eyes and the two long slits in the place of a nose sound humorous, but in reality terrify. His presence alone was suffocating. Then I remembered that the Dark Lord had demanded something of me. Of what I can't remember. He'd been talking about how he had a special mission. One that only a strong follower could undertake.

 My father had stepped forward, volunteering our family, but the Dark Lord looked past him and stared at me instead. I didn't want the responsibility, the pressure. I don't know why he chose me as I was not strong. My father let me know that I wasn't. I was nothing more than a coward, there had been too many instances that proved that to me. I pretended to be strong, but I could feel my own inadequacy. Especially around Potter. Voldemort had picked me and I couldn't refuse, I was scared of the consequences. Somehow I was the only one who could fulfill his mission or something, though I didn't quite understand. He had a man brought in and with Fenrir's help, my father forced me to my knees. 

Liquid pain from my neck spread like an icy fire through my whole body. It was the most pain I'd ever known. I had been blind to everything else at the moment, trying not to appear weak. I draw in a quick breath. Am I a werewolf now? Has Fenrir changed me? And yet, somehow that doesn't feel right. I sniff the air, though I don't know why that would make a difference, and smell nothing beyond the blood I'm covered in. Had I killed someone? The uncertainty courses through me and I curl up on myself. I know I'll never be the way I used to be. The only question now is what am I? What have I become? 

I run a hand across my face, and felt teeth sharper and longer than they had been. The cold has reached the deepest parts in my bones and I feel the same as I did when the dementors had come aboard the train in the third year. Coldness seeping in my bones, except this time, I somehow know I'm the cause and I know I'll never be warm again. I hear voices, indistinct because of the distance but as they come closer I can begin to make out what they're saying. 

"-awakening should be done by now." I don't recognize the cold, almost emotionless voice, but my stomach tightens at the one that replies to it. 

"And will he know?" My father's voice rings and I wonder just what they did to me. The voices grow steadily louder. 

"Eventually yes, but for now...No, there's no way to know unless we tell him." The unfamiliar voice rings again. 

"We'll have to keep him down here of course though. Preferably locked up. I'd never have imagined the Dark Lord would have wanted one. Waste of pure blood if you ask me." My mouth dries as I realize my father is speaking of me. It's as if he only cared about the fact I was a pureblood and not at all that I was his son. It's at this moment that it finally sinks in that my father never cared about me. It should have been obvious all those years, but somehow I was blinded by my hope and yearning for love. 

"Vampire's are fearsome, it's no wonder he'd want one for the upcoming battle. Maybe your son will have grown a spine from this. From what I understand, he was nothing but a worthless coward. He'll be the other vampire's officer. The one they rally to. After all, a vampire wizard as talented as Draco is very rare indeed. And he's a pureblood, an example. You know about wizard vampires right? He can turn the whole battle-"

I stop listening, my mind revolves around what I'd heard. Vampire. Locked up. I wasn't free anymore. I belonged to the sick menagerie that Voldemort had begun cobbling together. Nothing but a tool. I'd only ever felt this helpless once in my life. I am an animal, a monster.     

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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