Billy Loomis / Randy Meeks - Corn Syrup

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I'm just spit balling shit here
This is for reader or y/n, non-specific pronouns used


You stared at Billy as he started to mix the food dye into the corn syrup. He seemed rather pleased with it. He was about to put it into the plastic pouches when you moved to stop him.

"What?" He questioned.

"It's too pink." You replied, taking the sharp edge of the bucket to cut a small opening on your finger.

You compared your blood to the color of the corn syrup, finding it to be too pink, just as you had said. Billy smiled at you in agreement, before adding more food dye to the mixture.

He looked to you for confirmation and you nodded.

With this, he poured it into the plastic pouches and moved to hide them near the bed.

"I think that's everything." You said, "Now we just have to wait."

"I know a good way to pass the time." Billy said, a casual smirk resting on his lips.

He wiggled his eyebrows and you laughed, softly, pushing his face away.

Billy laughed with you, and you instead offered to get a head start on Randy's pipe of movies he'd left for the party.

Turns out, 'Jeepers Creepers' was third on Randy's list and you grinned, cheekily, showing the VHS box to Billy.

"No!" He whined, searching through the stack to find 'Halloween'. You shook your head.

"No!" You whined back, mocking him.

You both threw the VHS tapes onto the couch and started to fight.

Billy tried to put you in a choke hold but you ducked away with a laugh.

"Better practice, Mr. Killer." You teased, vaulting yourself over the couch to run into the kitchen.

Both of you giggled and chased each other until you finally managed to tackle Billy and make him tap out.

You cheered and put 'Jeepers Creepers' into the VHS player, clicking the play button on the TV.

Billy patted the spot text to him and you flipped down.

As the opening rolled, Billy pulled you into his side, whispering, "Don't worry about tonight. It will all work out, okay?"

Your smile dulled at his words. You nodded. Even still, you couldn't quite ebb your worry away.


Around eight, people really started to file in. You found it harder and harder to stay focused on the movie that was playing. Or the one after it, and the movie after that one.

Your mind constantly wandered to the 'what if's'.

What if someone figured it out?

What if Stu couldn't get rid of Tatum fast enough?

What if they forgot to switch out the blanks?

Or what if-

Your jumbled thoughts were put to a stop by Randy picking up the phone.

"H-Hey! They found Principal Himbry's body hung up on the football goal posts." Randy repeated. All of the boys jumped up and filed out of the house, some of their girlfriends following after in a drunken stupor.

Some other girls filed out after realizing everyone else had left. A couple came down the stairs, clothes wrinkled and hair messy, speeding out of the door.

Male OC/Reader Slasher One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now