1: The beginning

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An ecosystem that is delicate arrangement where plants and animals all depend on each other for survival, brought a new day for those who were living there

Somewhere beyond the rainforest of pandora created homes to any living thing, vines, plants, huge trees scattered everywhere, many kind of animals noises were heard, one for them being a viper wolf that was walking across a tree branch from a tree.

"The forest of pandora holds many dangers"

Beautiful golden, yellow eyes came to view, the pair of eyes belonging to Ney'tiri who was hunting amongst the shadows, sneaking up on her prey, hiding within the forest environment.

"But the most dangerous thing about pandora..."

Ney'tiri moves out of her cover, taking a breath as she draws her bow and arrow back, however something seemed to be in the way, making her get stuck on something. She looked down, now remembering she was pregnant and fixed up her posture to take her aim again.

"...is that you may grow to love her too much"

The bright day now gone for now, as night time had been ablaze to pandora, causing the night animals to make their appearance in the forest.

Ney'tiri was now sitting down in her family home, a warm, bright fire going making their atmosphere more warm to keep them from freezing over night, as she sings a beautiful melody song, while holding a traditional, precious necklace in her hands.

"We sing the song chords to remember. Each beat a story in our life's"

Many Omatikaya Clan were all gathered in their native circle, hands holding each other creating a circle, as Jake was centred in the middle, holdings newborn baby, his and Ney'tiri's baby.

"A bead for the birth of our daughter"

Ney'tiri's ears twitched with happiness as she gasped gently, placing a hand up to her mouth and smiled tearfully, seeing her first born child.

"Y/n!" Jake declares her name to everyone, holding up the baby, the Omatikaya Clan repeats the name back in acknowledgement.

Jake was gently holding a small Na'vi baby in his arms, the male inside his family home as he smiles down at the baby. His wife sitting beside him cutting up dinner, she glanced over at him fondly staring seeing him with the newest baby.

"The first thing we noticed about y/n, when she was born she came out with some different patterns on her skin, not striped, but looked like waves than curled up into a ball"

Jake placed a hand behind her head

"and had a lot more dots scattered on her skin then us. Both of us knew she was special, we figured that out when we she was just still the womb"

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