4: Leaving home

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Back in the Hallelujah Mountains tuk and Kiri were bending down with their ears pressed up against the hut to listen to the commotion in side with Ney'tiri, Jake

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Back in the Hallelujah Mountains tuk and Kiri were bending down with their ears pressed up against the hut to listen to the commotion in side with Ney'tiri, Jake.

Y/n soon approached, she frowns in confusion seeing tuk and Kiri listening in on the yelling in side her the hut.

Tuk turns her head as she hears y/n approaching before gasping and running up to her sister. Y/n drops to her knees as she embraces tuk.

Kiri jogs over towards the pair before joining in on the hug.

The three sisters soon released their embrace and looking at each other, smiling.

Lo'ak and Neteyam run over after spotting y/n from a distance.

"Y/n, your okay" Lo'ak pulled y/n into a hug

"Of course I am, it was just a few scratches, plus I'll always be there to protect you all" y/n spoke as she looked at all of them.

"Awwww, sis you big softy" Netayam says making them all giggle, as y/n roles her eyes.
Y/n saves the moment, making this moment unforgettable.

The sound of their parents arguing interrupted their moment. A look of confusion falls on y/n's face and she looks towards Kiri for an explanation.

"Mum and dad are arguing" she said before grabbing her hand and walking her towards the hut. The rest of the siblings following behind it listen in as well.

"I can not. You can not ask this!" Ney'tiri said in a pained voice.
"I cannot leave my people, I will not"

"He's hunting us. He's targeting our family" Jake fired back, knowing his wife was against it, leaving their home, Ney'tiri Shoke her head.

Ney'tiri spun her body around, ears flat against her head
"You cannot ask of this" Ney'tiri shouted back walking back towards him
"The children, everything they've ever known, the forest! This is our home!"

Y/n's eyes widen

"He had our children. He had them under his knife" Jake Strains out, gesturing the motion said with his hand as his eye brows frowned.

Ney'tiri paused at this, words stopping her as she looks down and looks over to the bow and arrow hanging up.

"My father gave this bow, as he later dying!" She cried out, her voice breaking a little as she holds up the weapon to Jake.
"And he said protect the people. Your Tourk Makto!"

"This will protect the people!" Jake tells trying to prove his point, he points out side.
"Quaritch has Spider, that kid knows everything! He knows our whole operation"

From outside, all the kids shared looks at this,
Y/n's ears were down, looking to the ground with a frown, she felt so out of place.

"Look, I got nothing. I got no plan" Jake was finished with the argument with his wife, she remained quiet with a broken expression. Jake's lips frown, dropping his head a little.

"But I can protect this family, that I can do"

"But I know one thing. Wherever we go, this family is our fortress" y/n stands up, her eyes staring to water. They can't leave. She can't leave, she was meant to be the next Olo'eykte. She had trained her whole life, she can't just throw it away. She looked towards her siblings whose faces were in disbelief.

She watched as her mother and father exited the tent, halting in their steps as they saw their children huddled together.

"Oh y/n" Ney'tiri said. Jake sighed as he looked towards his eldest daughter.

"What did you hear?" He questioned looking around to all his children

"We heard enough" y/n sneered. Jake approached his kids slowly.

"I need you kids to start packing your things. We leave tomorrow"

The girl shakes her head as she glares at her father

"Y/n listen-"

"No. I have done everything you have ever asked for me since I was a child, but this dad. This I cannot do. You can not expect us to leave. You can not expect me to leave, I have duties here. The people need us dad, we can not abandon them, after everything" y/n pleaded to her father. She looked towards her mother for support but she only lowered her head to avoid her daughters eyes

"I'm not discussing this with you y/n. Pack your things, we leave tomorrow" Jake repeated walking past y/n. Y/n tightened her fist, looking towards her mother again, Ney'tiri looks up tears streaming down her blue cheeks before we walks over to her daughter to embrace her into a hug as the two sobbed together.


Y/n watched with a glare as her father stood before the clan. Silent tears drop down her face as her father is stripped of his position. Tarsem a fellow peer of y/n stool beside him with a tooth as a knife in his hand.

Y/n stopped watching as she couldn't physically watch any longer. This shouldn't be happening they shouldn't have to leave because of the sky people. Rage beings to bubble inside y/n. She begins to fiddle with her fingers in an attempt to distract herself from her thoughts and emotions.

She looks up as her father starts to walk away from Tarsem with a fresh cut on his chest. He walks past the sea on Na'vi. Y/n and her siblings follow behind him as they pass through their clan. Tears drop off her face as she walks past her younger peers of hers. She struggles to control her emotions as they bow their heads to her, she offers them all one last smile as she continues to follow her parents and towards their already packed Ikrans.

Seze screeches at y/n before rubbing her head. The girl sighs, patting sezes back. She watches as her siblings climb on top of their Ikrans ready to leave.

"Y/n" the girl turns to see her grandmother, y/n smiles before embracing her once more.

"I have brought you something my dear" Mo'at said tears in her eyes. The Tsahik handed y/n a knife. Not just a knife but one that has been passed down her family for generations. The knife she was supposed to inherit when she became Olo'eyktan.

Y/n let out a sob as she took the knife off her grandmother. The older woman reached out and hugged the sobbing girl.

"Do not cry my girl, you are strong. Perhaps one of the strongest people I know. You would of made a great Olo'eyktan but I believe Eywa has great plans for you one day, when we meet again I will bask in the stories that you will no doubt have to tell me" Mo'at pulled away form the hug and rested her forehead against the girls.

"Thank you grandmother, for this, I will cherish it forever" the older woman winked at her before turning and waving goodbye to the rest of her family

Removing her fallen tears off the face, y/n climbs into Seze. Y/n makes eye contact with her father, nodding, signaling that she's ready.

The family takes off, flying towards the open sea. Y/n watches as her siblings and mother look back towards land. Y/n couldn't bring her self to look. She looks to her father instead who turned slightly to look at her, he smiled sadly at her before looking away.

The girl sighs, this was going to be one of a heck of a long flight.

The girl sighs, this was going to be one of a heck  of a long flight

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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