2 - Blind and Friendly

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"Looks like Green is awake. I think he knows you're in there. No need to worry about him, though. He's blind. How can he catch you if he can't see you?"

"He can feel you, that's how...." Ava muttered.

The person in the room ignored her and turned to look at Blue, who was unconscious and chained to the wall. They wouldn't let Blue save these girls. Now, the person just had to pray that Green didn't follow.


"Same deal as last night," Sophia started. "But this time, watch out for Green and grab the food packs for Orange."

They nodded, split up into the groups from the night before, and headed off.

"Alright, be careful."

"Em! I found some food packs!" Zoey stated. 

"That's great!" Emily replied. "C'mon, we have to go-"

She was cut off by the door being slammed open. The girls froze. They listened as the person in the room walked by, their footsteps squeaky.

Luckily, both of the girls knew who this was. Emily mouthed something to Zoey. 'It's Green. Don't say anything. He'll hear us.'

Zoey nodded. They could both read each other's lips, and they were dead silent, too.

"Hello? Is somebody here?" Green. He, just like Blue, could talk. "I.... I don't want to harm anyone, honest." His head turned in different directions, but he couldn't see anything. "Please.. I just want to get out of here.. I never wanted to harm anyone.. I'm forced to. If anyone's in here, please, just help me. I-I-I promise, I-I won't hurt anybody...."

The girls felt sorry. 'Awww.... He sounds so sad....' Zoey mouthed.

'I know, but I'm not so sure about this.. He could be playing with us..'

'Well, I'm going to him, whether you like it or not, Em.'

Zoey got up and walked over. Emily felt nervous for her best friend. What if this was a trap? "Zo, WAIT!" Emily shut her mouth right after she said that.

Green was well aware that Emily was there.

"I'm sorry about that, Green..." Zoey muttered. "I want to help you.....wait... Are you.. okay?"

Green's head slightly twitched as the eyes turned pitch black. He agressively grabbed Zoey as she flinched. His mouth opened as Zoey was held over it, about to die.

Emily remembered this death. One time, she was playing the game when she witnessed someone die by getting eaten alive by Green. 

Acting quickly, she grabbed the vent lid(?) and threw it at Green. 

Once he got hit, he dropped her and grabbed his head in pain. Green's eyes went back to normal, but still had a horrible headache from that impact. "W-Wha.... What happened.. God..."

"What happened? WHAT HAPPENED? YOU NEARLY KILLED ZOEY, THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED!" Emily exclaimed. She couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. 

"O-Oh...." Green muttered. "H-He controlled me again... D-Didn't he..."

Alice and Sophia heard the screaming and ran in. "OKAY WHO THE HELL DIED- OH, SHIT!-" Sophia yelled.

Green heard Sophia's yelling and quickly turned around.

"Guys, don't worry!" Zoey responded. "He's fine! He won't harm us.. Okay?"

"Uh, alright?" Alice was confused. What was going on? "Well, we have all the food packs put down. You guys have the last few. Oh yeah, have you guys seen Blue at all?"

"No..... Why?"

"We checked in with the other girls," Sophia replied. "They haven't seen him. At all."

"Well, that's weird," Green started. "Blue's usually wandering the place. Wonder where he is..."


"Hm. Orange has left his cave. Maybe he smelled the food."




"You FAILED me."

"I-I'm sorry, it's just.. Those girls, they-"

"I don't CARE! I need you to get them, Green. You're starting to act just like Blue. And you know where he is now?"


"In there." 

The figure gestured to a door. In the other room, Blue was still there, chained to the wall. He was still unconscious, as his eyes were closed.

"You'll be next, you know."

Green was confused.



[End night]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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