First Kiss With Asahi Azumane Headcannon

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Warnings- None, pure fluff
Word Count- 815
Pronouns- None


. 100 % soft boy

. He would never initiate the first kiss, never, and you can't convince me otherwise

. He is the type of guy to never initiate any romantic gesture

. Actually, I think you were the one who asked him out first. Poor boy would be scared to ask you

. What if you said no? What if his teammates laughed at him? Asahi would just rather stick to himself.

. With that being said, he was an absolute wreck during your first kiss, definitely didn't go as planned.

. I think he could sense when you were trying to kiss him.

. Like picture this- the two of you decided to go to an amusement park. After a day of riding all the rides you could think of, you saved the best for last, the Ferris wheel. It was dark out too, so that really set the romantic mood.

. You two boarded the cart and immediately you grabbed his hand.

. Poor boi tensed up even from that.

. Anyway- you two had made it to the top. There was a lake in the distance, lights surrounded the whole thing. It was a rather beautiful sight. All the lights on the amusement ride attractions were on, very beautiful. There was a light breeze that ruffled your hair (and his)

. The mood was perfect

. "Hey Asahi?" You would ask as you snuggled into his side.

. Dude would be sweating bullets. Not used to the physical affection, especially in public. Even tho you guys are literally at the top of the Ferris wheel, and no one is paying attention to you guys

. "Mhm?"

. You would look into his big, beautiful brown eyes, and he would stare into yours.

. Did I mention how easy it was to get lost in his lovely, alluring eyes?

. Asahi would gaze down at your lips. He wants to kiss you; trust me he does. But, he can't bring himself to do it.

. What if he's a bad kisser? What if his breath stinks? (It Doesn't).

. Then, you would grab his face, caressing his soft cheek with one hand as you slowly leaned in for a kiss...


. Asahi would turn away, and you ended up kissing his cheek.

. "Look at that ride! I think we missed it. We should definitely ride that one before we head home."

. You just got cock blocked by your own date

. The night would continue like that.

. Every attempt you made he would shut it down. You started to think he just didn't want to kiss you, but that couldn't have been further from the truth.

. So, as you guys were walking back to his car, you decided to just ask him.

. "Why dont you wanna kiss me."

. Asahi would stop dead in his tracks. That question is definitely going to haunt him.

. His face would turn bright red, and he would start sweating profusely again. His hands would be all clammy and his voice would be all high pitched and squeaky.

. The dude is about to shit himself Ngl

. "What do you mean?" (He's playing dumb, he 100 % knows what you mean). He's just scared ok 😭

. "Every time I try to kiss you, you shut me down. Do you know how many times I've kissed your cheek today?"

. Now he feels bad

. He's stressing you out and he never meant to.

. He would take a deep breath. He knows he has to tell you. (He's definitely going to stutter).

. "I... Well, I..."

. You kind of just stood there with your hands on your hips, definitely not helping the situation. It just scares him more.

. "I... I want to kiss you. But... Well, I'm... I'm s-scared. I don't want to mess it up. I don't want to be a bad kisser."

. Asahi would hang his head low in defeat.

. But you were there to pick it back up.

. You would hold his face gently in your hands, rubbing your thumb across his cheek. His face would be hot to the touch, but you wouldn't mind.

. "I don't care if you're a good kisser. I promise you baby, there is nothing to be scared of. We can both learn as we go."

. That's all he needed to hear.

. You slowly moved in, and when your lips FINALLY found their way to his, sparks were flying.

. The whole damn world lit up for you two. Don't tell him people were watching you guys kiss. You are in the parking lot after all.

. There was no tongue. The kiss was short and chaste, but it was full of unsaid words and love.

. Unbreakable and undeniable love

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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