Part 22

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It's Monday and I don't want to go to school. My date with Amira is something I can't get out of my head. It was the perfect date. With the perfect person. I park my car into the schools parking lot beside Emiliano and Esad.

"Hey man!" I say hi to Emiliano and Esad as we begin walking into the school. "So how was your date." Esad turns to me and smiles.

"Good. How are your delusions." I smile back at him. Esad and Andela have been nothing but secret recently. They've been sneaking off together to god knows where. I bet Amira knows.

"They are off the charts!" Emiliano slaps Esads shoulder as we make our way inside. When I make my way to first period I see Amira and Andela already sitting in their spots. Some idiot took the spot closest to them so I sit behind them instead.

When I take a seat I notice Amira wearing my sweater. I smirk as she turns around to face me. "Sweater looks good on you." I wink and she blushes. I will never get over her pink face. "Thanks." She smiles and turns back to andela.

~~time skip/ 40 minutes into class~~

I can't pay attention. I keep finding myself looking at Amira. Admiring how her curly hair falls perfectly down my sweater that fits big on her body.

"Mr Bennet. Eyes on the board. Your assignment isn't engraved onto Amira." Amira turns around shocked and everyone in the classroom laughs.

I can't help it but laugh as well. Andela turns around and laughs, "you're so whipped."

I role my eyes at her and begin working.



It's not lunch and I'm sitting in the cafeteria with Andela and Zina. Andela is filling Zina in on what happened during first period. "HE IS SO DOWN BAD FOR HER."

I role my eyes.

"I mean she's so bad for him too. Look at what sweater she's wearing." Zina points out. I end up blushing. I cant stop. Ever since I kissed Blake I can't help my face from being flushed.

"But I also don't wanna hear u talking. You can Esad?" Zina turns to Andela. "Yea, what's going on there?" I tease her and she laughs.

"We just hang out sometimes ." Andela shrugs.

"Hang out? Sure thing." Zina pats Andelas head.

Andela laughs. "Okay okay... we've kissed a few times but he's a genuinely nice person and I can't stop talking to him."

I smile. I'm happy that Andela found someone that makes her happy. "Y'all are so cute." I point out and she turns and looks behind me. "What?" I turn around and see Blake, Emiliano, and Esad walk towards us.

"Are they coming over here or am I going crazy?" Zina asks and she takes a quick sip from her drink

"Definitely towards us." I say as Blake smiles at me.

Esad gets here first and squeezes in between me and andela. "Excuse me."

I look at him in confusion. "There's a whole empty spot right there?" I point to the spot across the table.

"That's for Emiliano." Esad smiles and turns his head to talk to Andela.

I laugh and shake my head. I feel someone walk up to sit beside me and I look to see Blake. He rests his hand on my back as he takes a seat. "How are you doing." I look at him and smile. "Good-"

I get cut off my Kara. "BLAKE!" We all turn around to see Kara across the cafeteria staring at us and yelling for Blake. Everyone in the cafeteria stop talking and watch. I hate this.

Blake roles his eyes. "What!"

"What are you doing over there?!" Blake sighs. "What does it look like I'm doing?"

Kara laughs. "All your friends are over here?" Blake gets sighs and glares at her. "No. Your friends are over there. Now shut up and eat your ugly salad." The cafeteria is still quiet for a bit but then chatter forms again.

"God I hate her and her freaking salad." Andela adds when I begin opening my food.

Emiliano takes a seat beside Zina and takes some of her fries. "HEY!" She hits his hand away. "GET YOUR OWN FRIES." Emiliano doesn't say anything and smirks.

They would make a cute couple. I look at Zina and wink at her. She gives me a death glare and mouths 'shut up'

I change my focus to Blake when I feel his hand on my leg. "You sure that's enough food for you?" He looks towards my one sandwich. Andela speaks up before I can. "That's what I say! She never lets me buy her anything else."

Blake looks me in the eyes. "I don't want anything else. This sandwich is fine." I never usually have time to pack food and I don't want to waste money on cafeteria food, so the sandwich is really fine for the school day.

"If you need anything tell me." I nod and continue eating.

We talk for the rest of lunch.


During my last class I go to my locker to grab my text book. When I get there, I open my locker and see a Starbucks drink with 3 cake pops. Beside it is a note.

hi beautiful, I got you, Andela, and Zina cake pops and I got you a drink. I'm not sure what you like but I got whatever reminded me of you. I hope this fills you up.

I almost cry when I read the note. He didn't have to do this yet he did. I get the food and take it with me to my last period.

I'm not sure what I can do to thank him. He deserves more than just a thank you.


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