Part 32

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This chapter contains some assault and panic attack scenes


It's the night Noah and Luca left and I'm waiting for Blake to pick me up.

Todays the beach party he invited me to. Zina, Andela, Emiliano and Esad will be there as well. I put on a short summer dress and some cute sandals.

I also straightened my hair since I went in the pool earlier today and my curls just weren't curling the way I wanted it to.

I hear the doorbell and open the door. Blake stands there leaning against the houses walls. I walk outside and lock the door behind me putting the keys in my small purse. I turn to face Blake and he looks me up and down with a smirk on his face.

"What?" I smile at him.

"You look good." I can't help but blush. I lean into him.

"You look good too." I press my lips against his.

He kisses me back and we pull apart a couple seconds later. "Ready to go?" He asks bring his hand down to the small of my back.

"Yes." I smile up at him and begin walking towards his car.

He opens the door for me so I can get in. "Thank you." I smile and get into the car.

Before I can grab my own seatbelt he grabs it for me. Buckling me in slowly not breaking eye contact. A weird feeling shoots down my whole body and my breathing gets harder.

He stares at me a second too long and then closes my door. I slow my breathing by the time he gets into the drivers seat.

He pulls out of the driveway and gives me his phone. "Password is 6472, play your music." I didn't realize until I opened the keypad to type in his passcode that it spells out my name. 'Mira' is what it spells.

I look up at him and smirk. "Mira huh?"

He grins at me "like it?" I shake my head and laugh as I open Spotify and play some songs.


When we get to the beach party we walk up hand in hand. I am getting a little nervous walking up to the party since I'm not supposed to be here anyway.. I mean what did Noah expect though: leaving me alone. But it's fine because I'll only break one of his rules. 'Don't go to any party and I don't want you and Blake alone.'

See only one rule is broken. One party won't hurt if im with all my friends.

We spot our friends sitting at the fire on some chairs and large tree trunks. There are a lot of people here.
Some are near the water and some are making out across the beach. Blake and I sit near our friends as they talk.

A couple minutes pass and I begin to get a little thirsty. There's a stand not to far from the beach with ice cream and drinks. I turn to Blake. "I'm going to get something to drink over there."

I point to the little concession stand across the street from the beach. "We have drinks here.." he says to me but then speaks up again. "Sorry yea go ahead I don't want you to drink anything you don't want to."

I smile and get up. "Do you want me to come with you Amira?" Blake stands up and begins walking with me. "No it's okay I'll be quick. Finish your conversation with that dude with the red shorts." I laugh and walk away.

Blake was enjoying his time and I didn't want to ruin it for him. When I get to the stand I order some water and soda for Zina and Andela. I know they're probably thirsty too.

On my way back I feel someone grab my arm. I scream.

"Shh baby it's okay it's just me." I turn to see Jack. The stupid guy wouldn't leave me alone at the volleyball game.

"Don't call me that." I tug my arm out of his grasp.

I begin walking faster so I'm closer to Blake than I was a second ago. Still far but still closer. Jack hurries infront of me and grabs my waste.

"Why are you in such a rush?" He tightens his grasps around me and I start to panic. My heart racing fast and my breathing becoming on even.

"LET GO." I try to escape his hold but he soon pushes me against the tiny wooden fence that separates the road from the beach. He begins kissing my neck hard. My eyes begin to sting and I drop the drinks to push him off of me.

I scream again and his hand covers my mouth. Tears roll down my face and his hand goes up my dress. I can't believe this is happening. All I want to do his run into my Blake's arms and cry. I HATE jack and I want to go home. I shouldn't have come in the first place. Noah was right.

I begin to panic even more and my breathing gets so hard I begin to hyperventilate. His hand on my mouth blocking me from controlling my uneven breath. His hand getting closer up my leg blocking me from kicking him.

I shut my eyes and in an instant I feel relief. And suddenly I'm on the floor. World blurry. I cant see, hear, or breathe. I hear screaming and suddenly I'm lost. Not sure where I am or what happened.  I feel arms on me and I flinch still hyperventilating. Panic attack.

"Amira!" I hear my name from a distance. Zina and Andela.

"Mira." My blurry vision focuses on the face in-front of me. Blake. I few faces in the background; all familiar. Esad, Emiliano, Zina and Andela.

Blood on Blake's face. What happened to him? What happened to me? My breathing gets worse. I grip onto Blake's arms not knowing what to do. I cant breathe.

"WHATS HAPPENING?" Esad yells.

"Panic attack! Blake calm her down!" Zina panics behind him grabbing Emiliano's shirt.

"Mira look at me." He looks me in the eyes but I can barely see him with my cloudy vision.

"Breathe with me okay." I try to nod but I don't think it worked

"1... breath in.....2 breathe out...." I try but it doesn't work. I start panicking even more not know what to do I want it to stop.

"Talk Mira. Tell me 3 things that you see right now." After I a couple tries I can finally get out brief words.

"Good keep going." Blake reassures me.

"The...s-sky... a-and you"

"Yes. Now tell me three things that you hear."


I take in a deep breath finally feeling some relief.

"Me." Blake chuckles a little bit. "Good good keep going you're doing great beautiful."

"And people." I look at him and he gets me to breathe with him again.

I finally get my breathing back to normal and rest my head against Blake's chest and he pulls me in like he knows that's all I need right now.

Zina and Andela kneel to look at me. I look up at them from Blake's chest, tears in my eyes and in theirs as well.

"Before...." I cant even finish my sentence. "I got you guys drinks..." zina laughs and hold my cheek. "We love you. I'm going to leave you alone okay? So you can rest and get less uncomfortable. If you need us please call."

I nod and watch them leave and I begin to cry. I cry into Blake's chest and he holds me. He holds me tight and doesn't let go. I shake my head as he hold me. "Why me? B-Blake never leave my side again."

He kisses my head and holds me even tighter. "I will never leave you alone again Amira. And I will never let that man even look at you ever again."

I look up and see the blood on his face. "Did he hit you?" He looks at me with tears in his eyes. "Don't worry about me. I'm more worried about you."

I don't break eye contact until he tells me. "Let's just say I gave him what he deserves." I know he beat him up. I just wanted to hear it.

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