- The Bane Of My Existence -

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I never liked school, honestly who does? The only people that 'like' school are the ones that belong in an insane asylum. I mean really stacks of homework all due on the same day, horrible school lunches not even a prisoner would fucking eat, and worst of all. Kim Taehyung. The Joker to my Batman, and the bane of my existence.

He wasn't always the asshole dipshit he's been for the last couple of years, but what would you expect from someone that wanted to fit in with the wrong crowd so bad he even ditched his best friend. I shouldn't even call him that anymore, just those two words in any relation to him makes me nearly vomit.

Worst of all I have to live with him, call it fate if you will but life is out to fucking get me every chance it gets. First we lived in the same neighborhood for the entirety of elementary to high school, and the one time I thought my life would be Taehyung-free in college. I was wrong. Even without all the prayers and all the coins I wasted at the wishing well, I was still stuck with him. And what's better than just going to the same school, oh that's right. Being roommates. My life is nothing but hell.

Waking up to the most intolerable insufferable asshole every fucking morning, every fucking day of the week never gets any easier. If anything each day is even more challenging than the last, trust me. You do NOT want to live with Kim Taehyung, you would be better off in the insane asylum with the school loving sickos.

Jeongguk sat in class resting his chin on top of the palm of his hand somehow managing to stay awake through the tiring science lecture from Mr.Choi. Yeah, Jeongguk couldn't stand school. For every reason other students couldn't stand school class, homework, exams, and lectures. The worst part however, was Kim Taehyung and friends constantly picking on him for no reason. He often stayed up late at night in his room beating himself trying to figure out what went wrong for Taehyung to be such a dick towards him after being friends for years.

He never came to a solid conclusion, each time he'd draw up new solutions to the problem each vastly different from the rest. The only thing they had in common? Maybe he knows about it...? Though each time he would dismiss the thought reasoning that, That couldn't be right, I never said anything about it. Though he wanted to forget about it, forget about Taehyung. He just couldn't manage to, well not when they lived together at least. What was worse than just dealing with Taehyung in school was dealing with him in the dorm.

Taehyung wasn't much of a cleaner, Jeongguk knew that since they were kids. He was lazy and too busy playing games to ever help clean up. On top of that? He constantly made Jeongguk feel like he was obligated to clean up after him, gaslighting and guilt tripping wasn't even a strong enough description of how Taehyung manipulated him around the house. He made Jeongguk feel useless when he wasn't cleaning up the house, even when the mess had nothing to do with him.

Constantly putting him down for the house being dirty because of his own slobish behavior, saying things like 'Well if you have such a problem with it the fucking clean it up dumbass, no one but you has a problem with it. That's why you're the problem here.' Jeongguk never questioned it. Never argued against it. He knew if he did Taehyung would just get violent, he didn't like when he upset Taehyung.

Though he wasn't his fault, he began thinking it was his fault. Every time something was out of place in the house he would speed over to clean it. If they were low on food he'd make a run to the grocery store and pick up some things that he knew Taehyung wanted, sometimes he'd even spend the last bit of his money from his part-time job to buy things for Taehyung that he knew he'd complain about if they weren't available at the dorm. He wasn't sure why he didn't just request for a dorm change, it would've been much easier than living paycheck to paycheck because his roommate wanted him to cater to him like a wife in the 19th century.

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